Monday, July 25, 2016

41 weeks and counting!

You know what's fun? When your due date is on a Sunday, and you get to go to church a week later still pregnant. People are so funny. But it all comes with the territory, right? "STILL pregnant?" -obviously. "When is he due?" - last week. "When is he gonna come out of there?" - when he feels like it. For crying in the night! Ha...but I sucked it up and went to all three hours knowing it would be annoying but accepting it. It just means people care and are paying attention, so I decided to be grateful for the attention. ;)

So yes, one week and one day down and no baby yet. (Did you know that 60% of first-time moms go at least one week and one day after their due date? I tell this to anybody who looks at me worried because I'm past my due date. Chill people.) But that doesn't mean things aren't happening. Last week was a very normal week with my very normal pregnant self, except I finally got a taste of what most pregnant people have to deal with lots longer than me: you guys: constant bathroom breaks! I cannot stop. I go ALL THE TIME. Like, multiple times middle of the night. How annoying is that? Thankfully it's only been this one week (and one day).

But like I was saying - a very normal week. We took Jackson to his third puppy class. He is doing very well! We sure love our puppy. He is so smart and cute!! I decided to take him to the groomers because he was pretty smelly...and it's just another nesting thing I added to the list. The gal at the counter asked if we wanted to upgrade him to a blueberry facial...umm, what? Ha! But they bathed him, complete with blow-dry, a brush out, and cleaned his ears. We got him a new red collar - my favorite! He is a dang good looking dog ;) We love to take him for walks and play. Justin and I will take turns playing hide-and-seek from him :)

A gal in our ward fell and busted her hip, so the other night I took my clippers and went to her house to dead head her flowers. She let me clip any flowers I wanted to take home.

Friday the two of us had our eyes checked and we'll get our contacts ordered soon, so that was another good thing to get done. That night Justin and I went out to eat (Cheesecake Factory - yum!) and saw the new Star Trek movie. I really liked it! I started to feel some Braxton-Hicks contractions that night. My feet became super swollen that night - what the heck!! But the next morning my feet were back to normal #hallelujah. Sunday we got our temple recommends renewed - another great thing to get done before baby comes.

I went to see my midwife first thing this morning. She did a non-stress test to see how baby's heart is doing and to see if I was having any contractions. I had two contractions, 10 minutes apart and baby's heart looks really good! He's a healthy boy. She is going to see me again Wednesday after Jackson's puppy class. I couldn't feel the contractions Nancy saw on the monitor this morning, but I started having noticeable contractions off and on all afternoon today. For about an hour they were about 5 minutes apart, then they subside some, and pick up again. So things are definitely warming up! It's exciting - and we are having beautiful blue sky, 80-degree days so...perfect time to have a baby!

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