Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday morning thoughts

Here are my thoughts on this Tuesday morning...

It snowed all day Sunday and halfway into Monday. This is what my dear husband and I got to walk half a mile in to get to school. I gave Justin a hair cut for the first time. We'll be getting that fixed...
Observe the large pile of snow in the middle of the two lanes. Apparently in Rexburg instead of plowing the snow to the side of the road, they decide to plow it to the center of the road. Good luck turning left! Also, I went to my friend's apartment before driving to the middle school. I remember these sharing-one-bathroom-with-six-girls days and I don't miss it. Marriage is bliss.

We drove this car to the middle school to help with some teaching stuff in the afternoon. There was almost a foot of snow piled on her car!

I've never been into doing my nails but last semester I got into it a little and now I'm obsessed! I did French tip on Sunday afternoon using masking tape, white nail polish and clear nail polish. Love!

In the meantime we are trying to sell my dress. I paid for it using the wedding budget my parents gave us, so whatever it sells for will be profit for us. We've put it all over craigslist and the bulletin board. People should be getting engaged about this time of year for those in-between semester weddings, so hopefully this baby gets an offer. Compared to the other dresses we've seen on the bulletin board, there is no competition. People are selling ugly dresses for like $800 on there. Hopefully someone wants this one.

This week already feels so much more relaxed because I'm not teaching. Now I get to go to my cycling class and sweat all my makeup off....more student teaching interviews to come in the next few days. Big life decisions are coming up for Justin and I...should be interesting!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Teaching Middle School

I can't even think about everything that's been going on around this place! Last week was the busiest week yet because it was the week I started teaching at the middle school. My two friends who teach with me are Christine and Valerie, but we refer to each other as 'Mrs. Brooks' and 'Ms. Gundersen." These two are awesome and it's nice because we are always on the same page.

Wednesday through Thursday we taught the eight geographic regions of North America. Day one we covered three of the regions. Each day we have 45 minutes, and for the most part we used our time well. However we didn't get a lot of praise for our performance. It's so weird going from college lecture mode to basically entertaining 6th graders. Why did I pick education, exactly? No, it gets better.

Thursday we had a good plan but it failed miserably. We each were a "station" with our region to teach and the students were going to rotate to every station. Turns out one of the students at my station was not happy to be in our group. There was a clique that just happened to end up at my table (we had a seating arrangement, but somehow we managed to concentrate all the bullies together. Woops) and they started teasing him. I tried to remind everyone that we need to respect each other and threatened to separate everyone into other stations (which I should've done immediately) but the boy would not have it! He threw his glue stick (thank goodness it wasn't the scissors!) at the kid right next to him who was teasing him. I told him to go see Mr. Kurtz (his for-realzies teacher in the back who's observing me) and tried to carry on but, yeah right, everyone's focus is definitely not on the Interior Lowlands. Before we knew it we were out of time so we dismissed class. Now we were in trouble. We were supposed to teach three regions to all the students, but now everyone only had information on one region. We knew we didn't do well, but Mr. Kurtz tried to assure us that we could still figure Friday out. On the other hand, some other lady observed us and was basically like, "Well now you're behind so I hope you figure it out." Valerie hates her. Ha.

Thursday night I schemed with my teacher Sister Hall (bless her heart...she is single but I don't get it because she is cute, smart, and her personality is the best. Seriously, I want to say she's been my favorite teacher since I've been here at school) and Valerie. We stayed at the Middle School until 5 brainstorming ways to not only teach the regions the students missed that day, but also the regions we had planned for Friday. We had to make it feel like we weren't cramming as well...blarg! Mr. Kurtz actually gave us the solution without knowing it. He was just shooting out ideas and mentioned we could have the students teach each other since they knew at least one region. Oooo wheels started turning in our heads! Here was our genius plan:

Friday I led the day by standing at the door greeting students and asking them to sit in the same place as the day before and "brain dump" everything they could remember from the day before on a piece of paper. As I did that, my co-teacher Valerie was formulating "teams" by taking one kid from each group to make a group of three. Each student would be the "expert" on the region they learned the day before and would teach the other two what they learned. I made eight posters that morning that had the region at the top (example: The Coastal Plain) with sections that had numbers that correlated with the group number. The groups started at a particular region and had two minutes to write as much as they could in their group section. I kept time, and when time was out I flipped the lights off and told them they had five seconds to switch! It ended up working like magic. When the students would call us over for a question instead of just answering myself I'd ask, "Who is the expert on (let's say) The Rocky Mountains?" That student would acknowledge they were the expert and then I'd ask them to help out their classmate by teaching them what they learned. It was truly genius. After that everyone was given a "worksheet" that had a section on each region with a blank. They had five minutes to fill in the blank. It looked like this:

Date:_ ________________

Coastal Plain
Along the ­­­­­________­­________
And the Gulf of Mexico
Here lies the coastal plain we know
Lots of wetlands, it’s really neat

Appalachian Mountains
West of the coastal plain
Stretching up to Canada
Here lie the Appalachian Mountains
______________ mountain range in the states

Canadian Shield
Canadian Shield up by the _____________ Bay,
Looks like a horseshoe some might say
Old rocks and lots of lakes

Interior Lowlands
West of the mountains
East of the plains
Interior Lowlands, now shout hooray
Valleys and _____________ and rivers and hills

Great Plains
Here are the flat lands
Known as the Great Plains
Not very many things can grow
Watch out for a _________________!

Rocky Mountains
West of the Great Plains
Is the Rocky Mountain Range
________ miles  is a ________mountain range
Rocky Mountains are where I live

Basin and Range
Valleys and mountains
And then valleys once more
Hike in these mountains, it’s a dangerous chore
___________and __________ all over the place

Coastal Range
The coastal range
Along the ____________
Stretch so far, this is what we know
Fertile soils for lots to grow

Fill in blanks as a table
Word bank in front


1.) oldest
2.) Atlantic
3.) Graben
4.) 3,000
5.) tornado
6.) Hudson
7.) trees
8.) Pacific
9.) long
10.) Horst

 After they did this I held it up an announced that the worksheet they just filled out was now the lyrics to the macarena that we were going to dance. Instead of saying "Hey Macarena!" we would sing "Geographic Regions!" Some of the kids looked at me like, "Are you kidding??" like bratty 6th graders do, but luckily I sold them on it. We sang it through all together once, and then split the room in half. One side of the room sang the macarena with our geographic regions while the other half danced, and then they switched. I danced with the students and it ended up being really fun! I think the students finally like us. Before they left they wrote their favorite region on the back of their worksheet and turned it into me at the door for their "ticket out."

From the day before, the student who was being teased, turns out, was being teased because the other kids told him his name was lame. So, Friday morning I googled information on a famous celebrity who shared his name. I found some interesting things about him and printed it out along with his picture. After class he was the last one to leave so I pulled him aside and gave it to him to read. I assured him his name was super cool.

Sister Hall was there Friday to observe us along with Mr. Kurtz and all they had for us was praise! They said it was a total 180 from the day before. We are graded on several things throughout the semester and we usually take them one day at a time like teacher mobility, pacing, discovery learning, clear messages, clear instruction, etc and they passed us off on like seven. The first thing they said was, "You guys were teachers today," and I beamed! Yes! I can be a teacher!!! I was (and, let's face it, still am) especially happy because Friday's everything was mostly orchestrated by me, including those lyrics for the macarena. It felt so good! When Justin got home and walked in the door I basically started screaming I was so happy! Ha poor Justin--I'm such a psycho. Anyway, it was a huge success and now I'm super motivated for the next time we teach. For now we are off for 6 days so it's time to get ready for the next content.

Thursday night Justin and I went to the temple and had a really nice time doing sealings. The Rexburg temple has been so busy lately because Idaho Falls is closed for cleaning. The session rooms are filled to capacity, and even then they bring in foldable chairs until the room is optimized. I love the temple and I have such a testimony of the work we do there. Life is so busy it is nigh impossible to turn my brain off and just relax. Even in my sleep I'm stressed out. I have bad dreams almost every night. But at the temple it's like I can just breathe. And I get to do it while staring at my handsome man. =] 

Friday night we went to the "Zoo Zoo" show. It was weird, but cool too. As it started I couldn't help but think of Dad and how there's no way anyone could pay him to watch that show. Basically acrobats dress up as animals and give a show. They did frogs, cats, hippos, penguins, polar bears, and the like. The best part of the show was the kids who were laughing so much. They were cute and the perfect audience. I thought about Brie and Shae throughout the show because I just know those two especially would have loved to watch it.

Saturday all day I had to catch up on homework. Because of teaching all week, all I did all morning was think about what I'd teach, and then once I'd taught all I did was think about how to make it better for the next day. Luckily, I'm taking several online classes which have saved my bacon! I was able to catch up on hours of missed homework all on Saturday. Will I get full credit for doing it so late in the week? Probably not...but I was able to catch up so that's good. That night Justin and I finished season four of 24. We love that show! So far season three is my favorite. We have netflix on my laptop which is fun for us if we want to watch a show. 

Wednesday we had our ward opening social. The purpose of it was to get visiting teaching/home teaching callings. Tuesday night I stayed up until 1:30 AM to put them together with a directory that was certainly not updated. I was frustrated because I didn't know the ward well enough to know who was new and who had moved out. There are almost 70 sisters in the ward! Gag...so I stayed up all night doing them, then Wednesday I had to cut them out. Unfortunately I'm a perfectionist so I had to go to Porter's to get scrap book paper to glue the callings on, and then glue on magnets so they could have them on their fridge...Let's just say that between school, work (did I mention I've been working 20 hours every week since school started?), and teaching I got them done just in time for the activity at 7. Luckily most of the ladies were proactive and let me know where the mistakes were (because I obviously didn't know) but I had one come up to me after Relief Society today to complain about the mistakes I made. Gee, I'm sorry your address is wrong that I got off the lds.org directory and stayed up all night getting ready for you. Maybe next time update the directory every time you move. In the meantime, I'll make you a new one right quick so you aren't offended (for goodness sake!). But for the most part I think I'll have all the mistakes fixed so the visiting teaching can be perfect next Sunday just in time for everyone to get going for February. 
Here's what they ended up looking like...image 70 of them.

Tuesday we got to hang out with Mom and Dad for lunch with Chase and Rachel. We were slightly rushed due to Chase and I having class but it's always great to see them come to Rexburg. My parents are such wonderful examples of service and work. They have to cross that nasty desert whenever they want to do temple work, and they have to work around my dad's horrible schedule that thankfully slows down in the winter. But no matter their schedules, they still find time to serve in the temple regularly, and I can remember them doing that all while I was growing up. 

Monday I went snowboarding with Chase and Rachel, and Kelsey and Deejay (Kelsey's boyfriend). We went night skiing at Kelly. We had a deal for four hours of skiing for $20 which included a meal. It doesn't beat Bogus, but it was good to hang out with Chase and Rachel, and I hadn't seen Kelsey for ages so it was nice to visit with her. I'm excited for her to serve a mission. She has a very strong testimony and I'm confident her service in New York will help her be a wonderful mother one day. Did I mention she and her boyfriend got called to the exact same mission? No joke they are both reporting to the New York New York South mission. Crazy! When we talked we both agreed that the age change is more than just getting more missionaries; it's about giving everybody more spiritual strength to raise children in this world which seems more and more impossible every day. 

Tomorrow through Wednesday I have interviews with schools from Las Vegas, Nevada and Mesa, Arizona for student teaching. I'm supposed to bring my resume and personal bio to each interview...I guess that means I should make both of those tonight. Ha. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guess Who...

Guess who has been called to be the new relief society president?...this girl! I am so excited! But sort of sad too. This last week I was thinking about where I was a year ago; I had just been called to be relief society president in my singles ward. I LOVED IT SO MUCH and I was thinking about how I missed it. Currently,  I am one of the ward organists and at first I was very reluctant to take that calling...gag I barely knew how to play the organ, and the other organist was very good! But just YESTERDAY after practicing I told Justin how I really enjoy it now, and I'm getting a feel for the spirit of the hymns. Practicing the hymns feels like studying my scriptures! So it's ironic that right when I feel "yeah I can play the organ!" I am released. So, I'm a little sad I won't be playing the hymns for sacrament meeting anymore, but I'm also very excited for this new calling.

This semester is busy busy for Justin and me. I am in an education practicum course where we teach 6th grade geography to Madison middle school students. I have two co-teachers, and we find the content on our own and create a way to teach it together. Of course, we are all math and science majors, so we have to become experts on geography within the next week to be ready to teach. We teach three days straight, then have six days to prepare for the next section of content. I happened to find a "macarena" jingle that goes with the "eight geographic regions" of the U.S. and Canada. Sweet! This has been the "make you or break you" course for education majors, and luckily I happened to get a great teacher. I have heard horror stories about some of the other professors (bless their hearts) and I did NOT want to get stuck in one of those sections. I took a gamble by selecting a lady who just moved here from Oregon and she's GREAT. Go Sister Hall!

Justin and I are both working and full time students. He is still in the foundations department and I am training new tutors at the Reading Center. I put in 20 solid hours last week. Hopefully every week isn't that busy. Justin is earning enough credits (150) to get his CPA so he is also busy with classes. We are both involved with our frisbee friends. The men have created a solid club team and as of now I've been helping organize a women's team. We hope to play in Vegas at the end of March. We had practice on Saturday and had a good turn out. It just might work out!

Rexburg has been freezing, as usual. We drove to church this morning in -19 degree weather. Our car is such a trooper (thank you Hart and Jory, Mitzi and Scott, and Mom and Dad)...it starts no problem in this deathly cold weather.

Justin and I reupholstered our kitchen chairs. They are SO CUTE now! I love them. Here's the before and after. We did four of them. Thanks to a 50% off coupon at Porters, this was a $10 ordeal. Love.

That's about it. Until next time...does anyone have any great relief society activity ideas?