Sunday, January 19, 2020

January Juicing and Other Happenings

January - usually a dreaded long, cold month in Idaho but we are cruising through just fine! I've been excited juicing my celery and drinking my 16 oz daily. I ran into Lelah - the owner of The Body Shop - and asked her to get me some bumper plates so I can drop my load after certain lifts - what a game changer! I see some PR's in the near future. Today I signed up to do the Spudman Olympic Triathlon this summer. Now I've just got to figure out a place I can practice swimming.
The snowman that refuses to quit! Justin and Emmett built him on Christmas Eve - he's STILL standing, bent all the way backwards. His head touches the snow now.

see what Mr. Emmett thinks of celery juice

I made juice ahead of time - as the week progressed I could definitely tell it was less potent - I'll have to try only juicing 1-2 days ahead of time.
I still do intermittent fasting so I break my fast with the celery juice in the morning and let it work it's magic until I eat later for lunch - usually right after I exercise.

Yesssss! This was short-lived, but still🤣 
New bumper plates! These give me a starting weight at 55# which is great for shoulder press, push press and jerks, and power snatch. Then I can build up for power clean, deadlift, clean and jerks....should be some good times! I'm excited especially to work on my snatch. I have the strength to pull up to 85# but I'm working on my mobility to get underneath and catch the dang thing. Having these plates lets me drop the load and stay safe while working toward those goals.

Justin leaving me a note 🥰

I meal planned the entire month of January and Justin and I went shopping in Pocatello a couple weeks ago for it all (thank you Walmart pick up and Costco). This was a challenge for me - I am not a planner! So I had to push myself to get all the details right but it's been rewarding. I will have to do it every month! It's great for the budget not running to the A&A for missing items (and inevitably grabbing more than we need 🤣). I got myself/Emmett a preschool curriculum from home for Christmas which I've started with him - we look forward to our daily activities while Logan takes his nap.

A full fridge and a full pantry - it never looks like this! Here's to flexing my "planner" muscles

my kids looooove broccoli 🙌

Last Thursday I subbed at the high school. It was super easy - I really think after my last teaching job I can handle anything! But the kids played with Urban and Sloane (Chase and Lacy's kids that live in Grandma Beal's house) in the morning and Justin had the kids for the afternoon while I was away.
I was subbing in my old high school teacher's room which used to be in the old senior hall - I saw our time capsule which was Marshall Bode's senior project - we get to open it this summer. I think I put Nathan Humphrey's floppy disc in there that he asked me to Homecoming with. I think! I hope it's in there!

We finally got a bunch of repairs done on our car and on Saturday we took the kids to Idaho Falls - the Museum of Idaho had a dinosaur display which we knew Emmett would go totally nuts for. Sure enough, it was a huge hit! They gave us a coupon for Wendy's with out tickets so on the way home we got some lunch complete with frosties.
I did NOT know Quetzalcautlus was this big! 

kids next to a sauropod (think Brachiosaurus) leg

Pteronodon - Emmett's favorite

This year I teach the five year-olds in primary. I love being in primary with Emmett as a little sunbeam up front. Today he got picked during singing time to put one of the signs up on the chalk board. It just fills me with joy seeing him all grown up.
I snagged this picture on the first day of primary 😭

The first week we taught the kids "Who is in the Book of Mormon?" we put several pictures of Jesus all over inside for the kids to find. If you ask them "Who's in the Book of Mormon?" the kids will say - "Jesus!" That's right kids💗

We're surviving the below-zero temperatures and wind chill just fine. We're loving the country life. When we were in I.F. the other day, on the way out I said, "Man aren't you glad we don't live here?!" and Justin said, "Yes!" I said to him, "Really??" because I thought he would disagree - but he said the country life is growing on him. We love the space and slow pace out here. Justin has been busy with his 3D printer creations. He and I played basketball and volleyball up at the church last week. I've enjoyed going to a few girl's basketball games here and there with friends.

Behold Obi Wan Kanobi's light saber

Duke still comes over every day for his peanut butter treat

The wind was WHIPPING off the mountain the other morning - if you look close you can see - brrr

soooo much love for his daddy 🥰

driving into town to pick up the car - Logan loves Grandpa's pickup

the moon was SO BRIGHT the other morning before I went to the gym

we braved the cold one day and hit the park after the library

I was making dinner and it was too quiet so I went to investigate - I catch Emmett reading Green Eggs and Ham to Logan! precious boys

my own exciting rendition of Green Eggs and Ham 🤣

I decided to take Emmett skiing next week - he thinks he's excited to go. I hope he still thinks so on Friday.

Emmett and I enjoying "quiet time" while Logan naps

where did my baby go??!?!?!😭

love those baby bum cheeks🤣

he took a 3 hour nap the other day 

Hobbs and Logan 🥰

Emmett and Pepper🥰

Sledding at Granny and Gramp's is always a fun way to spend the afternoon

hot chocolate for the win

Emmett has been capturing candid moments with each of our phones - I read my library books through my phone. I'm three books down for January. Two to go to stay on track for my goal to read 60 books this year. So far: Just Mercy, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Tattooist of Auschwitz.

does it get better than this?? 😍

I love this beautiful, simple life 💗