Sunday, October 29, 2017

15 months old

Our baby is growing up so fast. I am loving this stage so much. Emmett is talking up a storm! His little voice is soooo cute. His screams are not! Here are some things he's been saying

- Thank you
- I did it
- What's that?
- doggy
- uh-oh (anytime he drops something)
- google (thank you google home)
- up

He is signing away as well. Thanks to Justin who teaches him the most sign language with the help of chocolate pudding during their training sessions.

- yes
- more
- please
- thank you
- what/where

When he is wanting something and we don't know what we can sign to him "what/where" and he will point to what he wants. He is getting better at his climbing skills. I'm not looking forward to when he can get himself up on the kitchen table... he loves to sit next to Justin or me when we are playing the piano and bang away at the keys.

We have had the most gorgeous fall: sunny days nearly every day this October! The leaves have been brilliant red, yellow, and orange. Today on our Sunday walk we noticed the red leaves by the elementary school have already all fallen off. Justin cleaned out the gutters Saturday from all the leaves we get.

In other news, I went to Leavenworth for a MK retreat last weekend. As a new director I gave a speech Saturday night and also got to teach one of the classes for training the consultants. We had a NSD from San Antonio come Terri Schaffer so that was special for us since we don't have a National. the weather was very rainy and it snowed Saturday night, but it was so so beautiful as well. We had 100 consultants and 15 directors attend.

Justin and I are preparing to throw our ward Halloween party on Tuesday. More on that to follow. And right now I am 22 weeks pregnant, so 5 months! 4 to go oh my goodness.... we can't wait! Enjoy the pictures!

Our house looks good from the neighbors view!
 love when he falls asleep...precious boy

we went to a Christmas bazaar in Tacoma and stopped at the freight house for some food - these waffles were amazing!

We got Emmett these pjs at the bazaar - the bum says "bear cheeks"

 cousin love at costco
these two are 9 months apart

 pretty good stacking!

I love when Justin captures these moments. He's so big!

he's the most handome lad in all the land

 little lumberjack

too bad he won't leave a hat on... he looks so cute with this beanie!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

October Update

Last Sunday our stake had new ward boundary changes. 18 months ago we absorbed another ward and this time they split our ward. Last time we lost people but gained some new people: this time we just lost people! They created a new ward in our stake taking many of my friends to the new Woodland ward, but that's okay because now I get to make new friends! Our ward is super old, however...and now it is even older! I think there is one other baby Emmett's age. Sigh. It's like being in Lost River ward, but with more old people lol.

I got a new calling with the changes - hallelujah! No more cub scouts for me! I'll miss doing ward parties, however. We will finish Halloween and then be done, but I'm now serving in the young women. I'm excited for a change, and do you know how awesome it is to have 20+ girls want to hold your baby 3rd hour? Today was my first day and it was great! It won't be too much of a change since I was already committing to Tuesday nights with scouts.

Emmett had a stuffy nose this week. That's been fun! He's had a rough go with sleep, waking up in the middle of the night needing snuggles to go back to sleep. But if I can get him to take his two naps, he usually will sleep fine. He's just been fighting that second nap so yeah - that's been great.

I do a babysitting swap with my friend Miriam - I take Teddy for an hour a week and she takes Emmett. It's fun taking Emmett to their play room. I need to find a way to do this in our house!

So far Emmett's vocabulary consists of:
What's that?
Thank you
He can sign:
Please, more, hot, what/where, and he'll point to whatever item he wants you to give him
He's got two teeth on the bottom with four on top and more coming in the back. 

 new Batman sweater complete with bat ears

Sunday, October 8, 2017

September Happenings and More

Last month I went to Chicago for New Director Education. This is a one-time training MK puts of for directors for them to attend within the first 6 months of their debut. It was a full 2 1/2 days. My favorite part was meeting top leaders that I've learned from over CDs, videos, etc. These people are my version of a celebrity. So that was very cool for me.

Emmett is doing swim and toddler gym, which is where the entire gymnastics area is opened up to kiddos to play around in. They say not to take pictures but I sneak a few now and then. 

Justin had his annual work awards/recognition night. In two out of the three years Justin has been at Davita he has earned their top award! It used to come with a $1,000 bonus but now all they give you is a plaque and a round of applause...what's up with that?? Show me the money! He is too modest, but from what little I DO understand about his work, he has done a lot to improve many reporting systems and all that blah blah. Good job honey!

 we went to a local crepe shop on our anniversary weekend - yum!

 he's so cute! fresh hair cut
Justin took me to my first concert EVER - to Coldplay! But we were pretty disappointed when the show started two HOURS late - yep. 

I snuck this picture. Emmett LOVES his uncle Joe!

 Mostly Justin and I have been helping Joe with one of his math classes...I used to love math. Now I really hate it!
My friend Kari is in Europe for the next 6 weeks and asked me to watch her kefir while she is away. I have been sharing my kefir smoothies with Emmett and we both love them! Kefir is basically fermented milk with billions upon billions of probiotics. Happy tummy happy life! 

some home improvements: I added fall wreaths outside and Justin and I put in a rock border around our house.

I've left Emmett with a couple different babysitters, and the report that has come back is, "I thought my boys were busy when they were this little but...." ha! I don't know any different. Sure he's busy. But it's funny to hear how everyone comments on his endless energy. Play hard, sleep hard (hopefully)!

 We went to a local pumpkin patch this weekend. Emmett rode a pony for about 30 seconds, we ate baked potatoes and corndogs, and it was the perfect fall day!

I am 20 weeks this week! This pregnancy is flying by. I am getting so excited to welcome this new baby in the spring.

Justin put on a pinewood derby at his work. He build the ramp and everything! He is so creative and when he wants to pull something off, he really pulls it off!

coldplay opening