Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter!

Our goal was to finish the cabinets in time for Easter and we did it! Thanks to Justin's dad and his brother Joe who came down on Saturday afternoon, all our cabinets are up, hardware is on, and touch up paint is finished! Our cabinets are BEAUTIFUL. They look like they cost thousands of dollars (which they would have if we had someone do it instead of ourselves). They seriously look so professional! It was a crazy month-long project - and to be honest these cabinets have been a "project" since December - but it was worth it! Take a look at the finished project:

Just look at some of the before/during pictures...

and now look at these beauties!

For Easter we hosted all of the Hunter/Rose people. Laura's parents came along with Justin's parents and two brothers. We had a potluck dinner and it was amazing - ham, funeral potatoes, asparagus, fruit salad, rolls, strawberry pretzel salad, and a coconut cupcake to top it off. Jon created our annual Easter Egg hunt complete with his special rules forcing us to sabotage each other as we collected our treasures.

Some crazy things have been going down at school. A girl fight resulting in a lot of blood... students smoking marijuana in the administrator taking a "leave" until the end of the year (add her to the list of the many teachers that have quit). We heard some upsetting news about two of my own students today and we get to deal with the fallout of that all week. It is crazy how much happens at this school. Thankfully I really love my kids and I'm enjoying the content. So even though everything around us is chaos, the environment of my classroom feels normal and stable. I've got that going for me at least! I applied for a track coaching position and got it - I'll be coaching 6th grade track three times a week, and we have three track meets this season. It should be fun!

I almost forgot to mention: last Friday after school my students threw me a "baby shower." They are so obsessed and crazy, but it was really cute what they did! We played some baby shower games and basically just ate food and danced to music - but it was fun and they were totally thoughtful!

Too cute!
Youth Conference is full speed ahead and we are looking forward to April 17th when it is all over ;) Pray for us!

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