Friday, April 8, 2016


Happy spring everyone! We've had the most beautiful weather lately. Last week it got up into the 70's, and this week they project it will get close to 80! I am loving it. The trees around our house are finally getting their leaves back which means we'll have our backyard privacy again. I love having the trees around us - it was totally part of what made me fall in love with this house.

In other news, we got rid of Rocky the Dog. This last week he was especially barky and whiny. We just couldn't figure out why he was being so crazy, so we gave him to the couple that is currently house sitting his regular home. What was interesting was when we were packing up his stuff, he got really happy and excited all of the sudden. In the car he was super well behaved and happy.  I know exactly what is happening, don't you? Sure enough - we got to the house and he happily trotted around his familiar home. We are happy and he is happy - win win. We thought Jackson would struggle with the transition, but he doesn't seem to miss Rocky at all. I'm glad we were able to make the switch when we did. And we love having just our regular family with the two of us plus Jackson. We love our puppy so much! He is so smart and so well behaved! He never barks or whines like Rocky did, and he is very good at commands. He is obedient and getting more dependable every day. Our next project will be fencing the back yard - right now he has a make-shift fence that works ok for now, but we'd like a normal fence eventually. We'll see about when we get that done.

Jon and Laura threw Clara a 3rd birthday party on Saturday. That was fun to see all of Jon and Laura's family and friends that we don't normally see along with Justin's parents.

Youth conference is upon us. It is taking over our lives much like the cabinets did. It is just 10 days away and we are feeling the pressure as we depend on others to get their assignments done. It is a lot of work. All during conference weekend we were working on different documents and putting youth groups together. It is also exciting - we have some good stuff planned. I think it's going to be great!

I am 25 weeks pregnant now. It is fun to feel baby kick quite often. I feel like I have a person with two personalities by the way he/she moves. I feel this kind of "gurgling" motion at some times and then more rapid movement at other times. Last week a kid hit me in the face with a door (long story) and I became the most livid I ever have in my life - I got all up in his face basically spitting in my anger and baby did NOT like it - I walked away and he/she was squirming/kicking like crazy. Ha - sorry baby! I will try to be more calm!

In other ridiculous Cascade news: our assistant principal took a "leave of absence" for the remainder of the school year and our Dean of Students tried to break up a girl fight that resulted in a fractured ankle and a head CT that thankfully came back clear. She has been out all week for her injuries. We have "guest" administrators but nobody stays for long. Today our principal emailed all of us asking if one of us would like to forgo our teaching duties to be an administrator until our Dean gets back...hahaha. No thanks! I'll stick to the crazies I have, thank you, not the million crazies you have to deal with every day!

25 weeks pregnant

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