Monday, October 5, 2015

Congrats Justin!

Last week in class I had my students do a kinetic energy lab. They really enjoyed the lab part, but not the "now let's use the lab to learn" part. But we ended the week with a test and they exceeded my expectations. I think I'll need to make my tests harder! Nice job kiddos.
12 year olds did a lab involving balls and wood and I didn't hear one sexual innuendo...once again, impressed!
Justin and I went to his company yearly awards night. They met in Tacoma at a place on the water. It was gorgeous! We had free dinner and played games with people from his work as part of the festivities. Once a year someone from his "village" (they talk about the people they work with like it's a family/village (weird I know)) is nominated to receive an award. Turns out Justin won the nomination this year! His boss was reading what others had written about Justin and it was really nice...I'm so proud of him! Justin is seriously a rock star at what he does. I remember living in Vegas he would get books at the library and teach himself different computer programming "things" (you can see I know what I'm talking about...) and now he is the SME (subject matter expert) for those programs. You go Justin! You go!

Justin and his new plaque...

After conference I helped myself to some leftovers. Justin asked, "Are you going to eat ALL of that?" I said, "I do what I want!"
We went out to sushi (still haven't liked anything as well as we like Blue Hashi in I.f...) and apparently I am 5 years old because I still ask for apple juice...

Thursday night we had our first fall league game for ultimate. I thought I was done playing, but we joined a league for the fall. It is way more competitive than anywhere we've played before, and I am out of shape. I kept wishing the other team would hurry up and win so we could be done! Plus the game started at 8:00 and I basically go to bed at 9:00 every night these days...don't judge me until you start getting up at 5:00 every day.

Saturday we enjoyed watching the morning session of conference, and after that we decided to look at furniture. We've been toying with getting new couches but wanted to get a good look around at what's available. We went to Crate and Barrel only to find it was way too rich for our blood. We ended up getting two couches and a coffee table at this cute furniture store in Sumner - The Old Cannery. We got a pound of free fudge that day too which we ended up throwing away most of it...the furniture will get here in 10 days, so we put our sectional up on craigslist and sold it today. 10 days of sharing the green chair until the new stuff comes...we'll just appreciate it that much more.
Bye sectional! You've served us well...
New furniture we'll see you in 10 days.
Sunday we enjoyed conference and staying home from church. I made funeral potatoes and we had Jon and Laura over to eat with us. Today I re-took my test to be a teacher and passed! I was thrilled. That thing was a beast and I'm so glad I didn't waste another $150 by failing. Go me!

Trees on our Sunday walk

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