Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hello Fall

Not a lot to update on this week. Monday and Tuesday I had my kids do a kinetic energy project, and for the rest of the week I was gone for a SIOP training with several other teachers from the school. So Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the kids were wild animals at the school because there were 15 teachers missing and it was only the second week of school...I'm just glad I was gone for the training so I didn't have to witness the crazy! But now I get to deal with the fall out this next week... but a few kids got suspended so, hey that will make life a bit easier for the next few days... #ICan'tBelieveThisIsMyLife Ha!

Wednesday Justin was in charge of "Office Olympics" at his work. He created all kinds of games for them to play, inspired by the episode on The Office. He had a lot of fun with that, and so did his work peeps!


Thursday night I threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law Laura. We had a few family members and close friends come. I borrowed Gabe and Christy's "Soups and Sweaters" idea and had three different soups for people to enjoy. I made lasagna soup, Judy brought taco soup, and one of Laura's other guests brought a broccoli cheese soup. It was all sooo yummy!
We got this chair for free from someone in our ward. I love free!
Judy brought balloons and cake along with her soup.
I made oreo truffles - yumm!

Friday we had a very low key day as Justin came down with a cold so we watched cartoons all night while I graded papers. Saturday I taught a lesson about the Book of Mormon with the sister missionaries. It reminded me of a student I had in Las Vegas who is still investigating the church. She knows the Book of Mormon is true, and she asked me to send her another copy so she could give it to one of her friends. Love it! We went to The Old Cannery which is a furniture warehouse in Sumner to look around. It's moments like those that I say, "I wish I had $10,000!" Am I right? We spent the afternoon with Jon and Clara: we took a joy ride out to Orting and spent time at a park in Auburn. The weather was to DIE FOR! We have had the most gorgeous, beautiful fall days! The leaves are gorgeous right now. I watched the General Women's Broadcast at the stake center with my friend Kristin. Afterward she and another gal came over to my house for leftover soup.

*It's the law of conservation of angular momentum....not conservation of energy. My bad!

Today we have another gorgeous fall day. I hope the weather stays this gorgeous this week in case Mom and Dad come to visit. That's pretty much it!

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