Sunday, June 1, 2014

Memorial Weekend and Other Events

For Memorial Day Justin and I decided to hike Black Mountain. We didn't want to hike in the sun at all, so we got up at 4:30 to hit the trail at 5:00. Well 5:00 turned into 6:00 because a.) we slept in and b.) we couldn't find the trail head! But by 6:00 we were on our way. We hiked on the west side of the mountain and at our pace we were able to hike in the shade of the mountain for the majority of the way. That was a relief as it's already between 80 and 90 degrees when the sun comes up! It took us an hour and a half to summit the 5,093 ft mountain, so by 7:30 we had the morning sun view of the Las Vegas valley and the surrounding desert. It was pretty cool! The hike was relatively easy until the last bit. The incline was very steep. Justin took a video to show how steep it was. We ended up seeing a lot of lizards, rabbits, and one snake. It was the perfect Memorial Day activity!

Solar Panels in the background
Las Vegas Valley

All the sweat and glory! 

Random lights several miles south of Las Vegas...very mysterious

I have a bad habit of holding my hand in this strange position...awky

It took an hour and a half to get back to our car. At that point it was over 90 degrees and some people were barely starting the hike...idiots! The only way to do it is before the sun, people!

We made it home and cleaned up to go to lunch at Jason's Deli. It's my favorite lunch date destination! From there we went to the mall and I bought a headband PLUS I ran into one of my students which was so fun. The rest of the day we stayed inside watching Netflix trying to stay cool. When the sun went down we threw the disc around and that was it for our holiday. We were happy just to spend it together.

Since student teaching is over I have been working my business like crazy. I love it! I facialed 15 people in 6 days last week and earned a diamond ring for doing it! It was hard but it's so fun to set and achieve goals. Not to mention I made a lot of money! I attended Success Meeting on Thursday and I got to hear from the top Director of Sales in Nevada and the area's National was also there. It was awesome! I really love doing skin care and makeup with ladies. It's a lot of fun and most are eager to learn and better yet, buy product!  I'm excited to continue to work my business for the rest of the summer.

#15faces #7days #missionaccomplished #diamonds #MaryKay #beautyconsultant
We've had three baptisms in the past two weeks with three more scheduled for June. The work is on fire in our ward! We love being ward missionaries and being a part of it all. Sharon was baptized this Saturday and asked Justin and me to speak. I made a craft for her to keep to remind her of her baptismal covenants. After the baptism we went to a presentation on LifeVantage and their product Protandim and then went out to dinner with our new best friends, Rachel and Dean Haymore. Rachel and I decided we are going to get up and exercise in the mornings together. She and her husband are Hart and Jory's age and I consider her my best friend here and what's better is she said the same thing about me! Huzzah for friendship! Justin and I taught Gospel Principles today in church on prayer. I shared my testimony of asking in our prayers. I love sharing the story of our miracle so it was very uplifting to share that experience with the class.

Sharon's baptism
Justin and I are looking forward to spending a week in Seattle. We can't wait for the cooler weather! We have been doing Insanity for the past couple weeks. Hopefully we will keep it up while on vacation. That's about all our news. Seattle here we come!


  1. OKAY! That diamond ring is gorgeous! I want one! Also, your hike view made Vegas look very appealing...I think I'm gonna start praying we get into school there!

  2. Hey those mysterious lights are actually fields of mirrors with a giant one that sits like a box on top of a giant pole (which is what you're seeing in that picture). The mirrors generate heat which heats up water and spins a turbine to generate power. Mark wants to go into power production and we drove by them on the way to visit his parents in April. Kind of a cool and unique way to generate energy :) sounds like you guys are doing great!

  3. Ha I figured they were some kind of reflection from the sun but they were just so random like...what the heck are they doing out there and why are they so big? Now we know! Thanks Noel.
    Rachel - do it! Pray about it! We miss you! And you can earn a diamond ring for yourself...;)
