Sunday, April 14, 2013

Finals lame sauce

This week was so chill for Justin and Me. He had harder finals than me, but they were still not bad at all. I had the easiest work week and school week in existence putting in 40 hours and finishing all finals without a sweat. Although I may have sweat just a little Saturday as I did a last minute final that was due at 9 just a few hours before it closed...pressure! But, all the easiness allowed for some great quality time with Justin and other family. He and I were able to go to the temple together which we always love. We also went to Trisha's piano recital and listened to her students play. Hailey, Shae, and Cooper did so well! Hailey is just as good if not better than the other teenage girls.

We've had crazy Rexburg weather all week. It has been so windy and cold! I'm hoping summer comes soon because, let's get real, spring does NOT exist in Idaho.

Today I went to ward council, taught relief society, and then caught my carpool group to Idaho Falls for our Las Vegas excursion. There are 18 of us total, and all of us are meeting our mentor teachers, supervisors, and getting all the district paper work done now before student teaching. We're also looking at housing options. Today was a lot of travel, but we went to Chipotle for dinner and that was my first time and I loved it! We visited the Las Vegas temple and I'm in love. Why didn't I elope there??? Oh yeah, because I didn't know anything about what I wanted for a wedding when I got married. Now I wish I would have. Hello! Ha oh well. Who am I kidding? I had the best wedding and reception the Lost River Valley has ever seen. Booya! Anyway...

It's been a long day today and the next few days will be busy with Vegas thing and then a trip to Seattle. On the plane I sucked on life savers the whole time, took a decongestant, and sprayed nasal spray up my nose to try to prevent the horrid ear pain I experience when I fly. It wasn't too bad today, so I'm hoping my luck will continue for the next few days.

One cool thing before I end; in relief society today a girl came who hasn't been for a while for her "own personal reasons" and by the end of the lesson she declared she wanted to set the standard and get baptized and she said she was going to meet with the missionaries as soon as possible and she said she would also like to serve a mission. It was pretty crazy! You go girl! It was so awesome to see the way the spirit of the lesson about trials and the way they bring us closer to god and closer to where he wants us to be was touching her and how she felt the influence of the spirit grow stronger as the lesson progressed. You can just feel that it is right! I love the gospel of Christ and I'm so happy for the joy it brings to my life and to others. It's so exciting to see someone take a monumental step for themselves and for so many to come through her posterity. I testify that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the true church on the earth! Happy Sunday everyone. :)

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