Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

Hi hi, once again. This week we had ultimate playoffs so that kept us really busy. Monday was Justin's birthday which I talked about last time. Tuesday was voting day and I had my 3:15-4:45 class cancelled so I took that time to vote! I got sent to three different districts because I couldn't prove I've lived in our apartment for at least 30 days, so I went where I used to be registered but they told me the boundaries changed so I had to go somewhere else. Annoying! Oh well. Some of my friends had to wait two hours in line to vote. Crazy. But hey, I'm grateful we have the opportunity to vote, even if it took a few years off my life. My friend's facebook post made up for it the next day when she quoted Mean Girls: "I voted for Cady Herron, because she pushed Regina George in front of a bus." Awesome.

Justin and I played on a rec frisbee team this semester. We had the championship game Tuesday night and blew them out of the water. Their girls weren't very good so our guys used me and the other girls a lot which was extra fun.
Moose, Brett, Justin, Me, Nate, Taran, Mellisa, Christine, &Todd

Wednesday morning Justin and I did temple work for an hour. That night Trisha and I threw Rachel a bridal shower. We both brought a game to play along with a treat. Trisha brought chocolate dipped pretzels and strawberries and I brought oreo truffles. Yum! Rachel did really well at guessing things Chase would say, and her friends did a good job on the "how well do you know the bride?" game. It was good to have Trisha there with me because if either of us had done it on our own we would've felt awkward just because we didn't know everyone else as well. Overall it was a successful night.

Thursday we had the first day of ultimate playoffs. One of the girls has serious beef with me because I wouldn't let her play in the playoffs, but that was because she was skipping out the whole season. Of course she stomped around the whole night complaining about, "the coordinator won't let me play!" but I wanted to throw agency in her face and be like "You prevented yourself from playing when you chose to skip out all season!" Lame. Whatever, love thine enemy& pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, right?
one of my students at work; her teammate was the one who couldn't play
Friday was more frisbee but we woke up to lots of snow! Grand...the poor girls had to play in it but at least their blood was flowing. I had to stand out in the cold from 6-10 keeping stats and making sure play was fair. We had a huge upset when the 5th seed (out of 5) beat the first seed! It was way exciting, but so sad for the other team; statistically they should've won the whole thing but, oh well. For men's ultimate we also saw an upset where a not-so-good team beat a pretty good team so that shook things up a bit.

Saturday we had more snow but it cleared out by 2PM for the women's championship game. Spartans and Vikings played a two-hour game that was very exciting! The Vikings (5th seed out of 5) ended up winning the whole tournament! It was CRAZY to watch. They didn't win a game all season, and then for playoffs they took the whole tourny. Once again, many tears were shed by the other team. It was hard because I had favorites all across the board when it came to players on other teams, so it was sad to see anyone lose, but so fun for those that won. Great season for sure but I'm glad it's over. Dealing with Competitive has been the trial of our marriage! Now we are at a loss for what to do on our Friday nights.

After the men's championship Justin and I drove to Idaho Falls to celebrate our freedom of being finished coordinating! We returned some things and exchanged his birthday gifts. We got Christmas tree lights and scented pine cones for our apartment to gear us up for the Christmas season. I can't help it...with the snow and the wreaths all around campus we put the tree up and we're starting to make ornaments. We went to dinner and saw "Skyfall," the new 007 movie. I really liked it. It reminded me of The Dark Knight in that the movie made me really like the villain.

At church I led the singing and I'm supposed to start playing the organ soon but church is cancelled next week for the Boise temple rededication and we'll be in Arco the next week so...who knows maybe I'll never play...ha! Yeah right. I have a geology test I have to take Tuesday and lots of projects in my classes are becoming due. This semester is going to be over before you know it. This weekend Justin and I will be playing in an ultimate frisbee tournament in Utah. He's part of a men's club team and I'm putting together the women's club team so we'll see if any girls show up. That's it for this week.

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