Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ultimate Tournament in Provo and the 4th of July

June 27-July 7th

Back when Justin and I were at BYU-Idaho, our competive ultimate league started a club team to play in tournaments outside Rexburg. The idea was the brainchild of our friends Mitch and Warr, and Justin was the head coach. Much to our delight, the club team lives on long after we are gone. We're part of the "alumni" network, so when our friend put on a tournament we decided to throw a team together and play. Justin and I only knew about three people upon arriving to the field Saturday morning and we met a bunch of other Ultimate athletes who had played on the T-Rexburg club team at some point after we had left. 

I'll tell you what - between our club team in Vegas and playing in WA a bit, this was one of my favorite groups of people to play with ever. It was a blast and a half! We all jived together really well - the perfect balance of competitive yet chill and fun. We ended up winning two games, but every game we played was a whole-lotta-fun. And it was HOT! We were in the 90's all day.

During one of our games, one guy went deep and barely missed it in the endzone. I yelled out at him, "Four years ago you would have had it!" and that became the running joke of the tournament amongst us "old folk" playing with all the youngsters still college-aged. Quality time is a high priority for Justin and me, and boy did this mini-vaca fill our cups. 

Sparty captured this fabulous candid photo

sushi on the way home

I got some fancy cleaning stuff - you know it's fancy when it makes you want to clean your oven

I got my boys' clothes all organized outside of diaper boxes and into these bins - hallelujah!

walking at the track with friends

Justin got me this cute sweater

 For the 4th we drove up to Loristica with Mom and Dad for a picnic. We did fireworks at our house around 9:00 and headed to Allison's driveway for the Arco fireworks. Someone had gone up earlier that day and spelled out "TRUMP" in lights on the hill for everyone to see during the show. That's small town freedom of speech for you.

 For church that Sunday, we took the kids out to the garden and burried our "spiritual weapons" Justin and I decided to give something up for the following week, wrote in on a piece of paper and threw it in the ground. The boys enjoyed it.

 Traditional summer evening bike rides.

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