Monday, October 17, 2016

The Storm of the Century

What a fun week! Last Monday I met Justin at work with Emmett - the women he works with wanted to see the baby. It was fun to have a bunch of women oooh and aaahh at my baby boy. We sure love our easy going sweet baby. The ladies commented how he was happy to be passed around - he doesn't have fear of strangers quite yet :) From there we headed up to Silverdale for the afternoon. Justin partnered up with Joe for a racquetball tournament in Bremerton. I guess they didn't do so well - I held an appointment for the first hour of their playing time and by the time I got back they had been eliminated. Bummer! We spent the rest of the day at Justin's parents house and had dinner with them.

Tuesday and Wednesday were beautiful fall days! Blue skies, crisp cool air, and blazing red leaves! I went for a two-mile walk both days with Heather. I love that! It was around Wednesday that we heard about the left-over typhoon that would be hitting the PNW in the weekend, so Thursday I went and bought a few last-minute emergency supplies in case the power went out for an extended period of time. We already have our 72-hour kits, so I just bought additional batteries, more water, and matches. That evening they predicted the winds would start up, but the wind wasn't as bad as they predicted.
 Emmett was not liking his Yoda hat
 Mom - these are a type of Maple - my friend Kari is finding out the variety for me :)

 My walking buddy :)

Morning Walks while there's still sunshine!
Friday it was very rainy, but not windy yet. Saturday was supposed to be "the big one." Social media got the word around quick - I had friends post pictures of Safeway or Walmart and all the water and candles were gone! I myself went to Goodwill and JoAnn's that day to work on Justin's Halloween costume over the weekend ;)

Saturday came and went with nothing to show for it. Imagine that! What most people don't know is a typhoon and hurricane are the same thing - just in different oceans. A cyclone is the universal term for these storms, but I definitely thought we'd have more wind that we did considering the storm had Category 4 hurricane winds. It just dissipated by the time it got to us! It was the storm that cried wolf.

In the meantime, I've finished Justin's Halloween costume. I got to know my sewing machine pretty well in the process. Oh my, I am so excited for this year! Having a baby adds a new dimension to dressing up! Justin is a good sport and goes along with my crazy. I ordered mine and Emmett's costumes since my time is more limited this year. I wonder who can guess Justin's costume based on the supplies?

 His hair is getting thicker :)

Emmett is so close to rolling over! He might still have a while before he pulls it off, but he's developing really quickly. He's only 2 1/2 months old! He has been very gassy lately and very uncomfortable about it. The other night Justin and I traded back and forth trying to get the burp out - poor baby!

my boys :)
I love how cuddly he is
 You can tell when Justin has had his turn with baby...yes, those are his pants on his head

Our little chunk! #rollsfordays #chinsfordays

Today's rain storm
Emmett laughing
This popped up on my facebook feed from 4 years ago - look at that dark long hair!

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