Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Weekend

Justin and I have had another great week. This week for student teaching my goal was to have five positive interactions with students every period. I have 181 students and this week I memorized every single one of their names. Boom roasted! I take over with my lessons tomorrow all the way through May, so we'll see how it goes! Tomorrow I teach water properties. Wish me luck!

Justin has started an "It Works" program. "It Works" is one of those weight loss programs that includes wraps and supplements. One of my visiting teachers from Rexburg is a consultant and she offered a few people on facebook to do three months of the products as part of her portfolio for a special deal, so Justin got in on it and now he's trying the products. He did his first wrap and it took two inches off his waist, so we'll see how he does with it for the next few months. I'm apprehensive about it things like this, but I'm supportive. Justin is excited about it so we'll see how it goes!

Thursday we had our first meeting with the other ward missionaries and the ward mission leader. They have a ward mission plan, and part of the ward plan is for every family in the ward to have a family mission plan so part of our calling is visiting families and helping them create a family mission plan. They have this mantra "willing and brief": when we meet new people we ask if they would be willing to hear a brief message from the missionaries about how families can be together forever or some other church-related topic. It's had a lot of success so far in the ward. 

Thursday I also had my first cohort meeting, which is a mandatory meeting I have weekly with the other student teachers and a supervisor. Two of my five class periods are very difficult, so I asked for specific tools to help with students who don't want to be at school and don't want to do anything. I'll try implementing those strategies this week and see how it goes.

Friday for date night Justin wrote out three options for me to choose from. He's the cutest! 
Eating out with Justin is my favorite thing to do with him. We went to Red Robin (YUM!) and watched Cars. We also started the "Mitt" documentary on Netfilx. I saw Hart post about it on Facebook and it interested me. I couldn't watch very much of it because it stressed me out for one thing, and it made me more upset that Mitt Romney isn't in the White House. Gah, enough said.

Saturday we did our weekly grocery shopping and bought our first bathroom scale. I also got some school supplies for student teaching. We exercised and in the afternoon just to get out of the house we walked around Hobby Lobby and Home Depot for those days when we can spend some money on doing crafty/buildy things in our home. We walked around Sunset Station which is one of the casino hotels in Henderson. They had an amateur bowling tournament going on so we watched them play for a bit. We went to Cafe Rio to start our fast and that night we watched "Playing for Keeps." 

This morning I coudln't sleep in past 7, so I finished the 6th Harry Potter book before getting ready for Church. One lady who is new to the church bore her testimony and at the end made a little comment about rooting for the Broncos for the Super Bowl. Funny. We had a lesson on Family History and Temple work in gospel doctrine and it made me think of Mom and all the work she's done. 750 names in one month is quite an achievement! Justin and I threw some things together for a little Super Bowl party. Justin found a way to stream the game live on the laptop. He has a talent for looking at what we have in the cupboard and throwing together something spectacular. He made chicken nuggets and potato wedges, orange julius, nachos, and chocolate muffins. Yum! Naturally he is loving watching Seattle do so well. I'm happy for them but really, Broncos? I lost track of the fumbles. I at least wanted a close game.

That's all we have for an update this week. Today I'm feeling a bit homesick. In gospel doctrine we talked all about family. Justin made a comment about how at Redfish Mom puts together a skit for the grankids to act out different life events of our ancestors and it made me cry. I sure do love and miss my family! 

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