Sunday, October 11, 2020

Cotoneasters and Training Wheel-free

My kids sure love their new kitties. On our drive home from Boise, Justin made a pit stop in Mountain Home for snacks and bought a Mamba candy bar which inspired their names since my kids couldn't settle on one name: so the cats are Mamba and Momo. They have adjusted to living here quite nicely so as long as we don't run them over, they should be great mousers for us.
Wednesday I detail-cleaned my carpets and kitchen chairs. 

We stopped by Mom and Dad's to watch them rip out their pretty tree. Dad offered to plant it up at our house ("It's diseased you don't want it!" -Mom) but the chain did too much damage to the bark for a viable transplant so, goodbye autumn blaze! Is there anything better to a couple of little boys than watching a tractor at work? 

While at Granny's, Emmett was spinning with Logan and fell over on the rocks. He was bleeding everywhere. Ha!! He cleaned up just fine 

Such a little thing for so much blood 😂
Thursday I drove down to Twin Falls to take care of the Pacifica. I took advantage of kid-free time and did another trip to Costco. When I got home, we got Emmett out on one of his bikes to practice training-wheel-free. He can officially pedal on his own and keep his balance. Keeping his motivation to continue to pedal is another thing.😂 His preference is still his balance bike, but it's fun to see him pick this up so quickly.

Friday morning I got wind of changing temperatures coming, so I finally got motivated to plant some Cotoneaster starts from Mom. I took the kids and dug about 25-30 to plant all along my garden. Between the raspberries on the south, the flowers on the east, and now these hedge bushes all along the north and west sides, my garden will be the perfect size next year with some cute natural barriers. 

Sleepy Logan: on Friday he woke up at 5:30...I'm SO dreading three weeks from now when that will be 4:30 😑

I have TONS of grass coming up in my new flower beds. That's what I get - I should have sprayed and been more patient before planting things but I don't want to wait! So Friday night I dug it all out.😪

West edge of the garden - we spoke to Joel who farms the acreage around the house and his worker-man helped Justin move the unused wheel lines out of the way so we don't have that junk to look at anymore.

Halloween rice crispies

Oh Emmett boy... 😂😍

kids ringing around the rosie

Justin's 3D printer at work.

digging carrots last week

kitten time outside

last day feeding the Nielson's horses last week

Justin tilling the garden last week

😂 Logan decided to take off his clothes and burry himself in the fresh soil

Emmett catching butterflies

Watering Granny's hollyhocks while they were away

Emmett telling me about his bee sting: "In that case..." is his filler-phrase lately 😂

daily bike rides

During "Dino Dana" 's intro music it shows all these dinosaurs and my kids go nuts trying to name them all as they appear and disappear...I got the tail end but I wish I had caught the whole thing 😂

Playing at Gabe and Christy's. I think a play-kitchen set is in Logan's future for Christmas 😍

Gramps showing Emmett how to work his new gun

no training wheels 😍

making the Halloween rice crispies

Trying to ask Logan what he wants for Christmas ..."I want...." 😂

Just Logan enjoying holding his kitty (Momo).

In other news, Teddy has started wandering and getting into trouble by the neighbors. I am dreading the expense, but it looks like we will have to get some electric fence installed to keep him contained. Last week he terrorized the neighbors chickens and two of them are lost now, and Joel is having cows put in the field around our house - we can't afford for him to chase them because farmer rules say the dog gets shot. For now he's been condemned to his leash. We have plans to visit Justin's family this week so we'll hopefully get something installed before the ground freezes. We woke up to snow on King Mountain today so it's not too far off!

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