Sunday, October 6, 2019

Soups n Sweaters

We've made a decision! We're going to rent a house here in Lost River. It's just down the road from my parents and has lots of land around it so I'll be able to have a yard and a garden. Another bonus is the owner doesn't care how short or long we stay, so we're not locked into a lease and get to stay as long as we please! I'm excited about it - we should be getting a key next week and we can start moving in. Then hopefully Dad can help me get the yard in control before it freezes too hard or snows. I am loving living here. Lost River ward is great with lots of new and old friends and kids my kids' ages. Being out here in the country has been so fun with the kids and I'm really happy to be here.

Last weekend Justin's old bishop from Kent ward (now a stake president over in Menan) invited us over for dinner with his family. We love them! It was good to see them - last time we had dinner with them was seven years ago when Justin took me to meet them when we were dating. They are wonderful people. This weekend Gabe invited everyone over for his annual birthday celebration of Soups and Sweaters. Alex and Gabe made sure nobody went cold with a roaring fire. Emmett was as happy as a clam playing in their amazing toy room, and he and Logan enjoyed riding the car toys outside.

Tonight Justin and I leave for our cruise! Holy cow...I'm having so many mixed feelings. Anxious about leaving the kids behind, nervous for Mom and her nerves as she watches them for part of the time, dreading our red eye flight tonight, excited to see my friends from Washington, excited to get some quality couple time with my favorite person... here's to letting go of what I can't control and having a fabulous time!

Lots of pictures and videos to enjoy.

Logan playing peek-a-boo

Logan is at the "monkey see, monkey do" stage and copies a lot of what Emmett does

When the boys fight over the good swing seat, they get to share

all bundled up to pick plums for Mom


Logan learned a new trick

Logan's goofy crawling
soups and sweaters

awesome toy room!

ripping out flowers with the kids

the kids love to stop and wave at anyone driving by

making pizza with Dad

Emmett is getting the hand of his balance bike - we've just got to figure out how to tighten it to keep his seat up!

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