Monday, July 1, 2019

Officially Idahoans!

How has the first week of living in Idaho been, you ask? I've called poison control twice for Emmett but otherwise, I'm loving it! Note to parents: a bottle of melatonin gummies and a couple swigs of hydrogen peroxide won't kill you. I've smelled a few skunks and I'm positive it's not pot. My parent's house is in the middle of the beautiful Lost River Valley. Everyone waves to everyone passing by on the road. It is a tall, ice cold-drink of water to my soul.

So many unique things about living in a small town. Here are a few funny examples from our first week here:

I took Emmett to the library. After selecting some books to check out the lady asked if I had a library card. I told her no, but to put it on Shelley Beal's account. No questions asked!

Justin called ATC to get a better internet connection up in hee-ya because - country = no internet speed. He told them he was Seth's son-in-law and had the account number ready. The lady on the other end said, "Oh no it's fine we don't need it. I'll just look it up - is it ..." and proceeded to read back the account number to Justin.

We decided to get gym memberships in town. When we filled out the paperwork to get started the owner asked, "Do you want to pay today? You can pay later it's fine. Just pay your monthly dues whenever."

When we got our storage unit, the lady who helped us told me, "I'll set your contract information inside the storage unit so you'll see it when you get there. Just pay when you can, I know you kids are busy." Seriously! Small towns are the best. It's allll good in the hood.

We went to Brynn's homecoming talk last weekend and had a good time with the Boise Beals. Saturday we had pizza at the park near Hart's house and Emmett loved chasing/terrorizing all his older cousins. They were occupied by the fish in the pond for the majority of the time. Brynn gave a dynamite talk. On a scale of 1-10 she's a certified 20! I was grateful to be there with all my family, minus just a few. And would you believe it? Emmett fell asleep during sacrament meeting. I was sitting near my parents and after the meeting Dad said to me, "Well... Emmett did very well." Keep in mind, he had been witness to him all week - the good, the bad, and some ugly - so he understood it was a full on miracle.

Jory had an amazing luncheon ready for the clan of friends and family. I enjoyed seeing all my family and felt even better about the fact that I'd see them all again soon! My heart is full. I am just so happy with how everything has worked out with our move.

Amist all this chaos, Mary Kay ran a contest January to June for consultants to earn a free cruise to The Bahamas for 5 days and they are also paying for the airfare. I finished the qualifications, AND I get to take a +1! So Justin and I will be going to The Bahamas in October. We got our passport papers submitted last week. I've never been out of the country or on a cruise, so it will be FUN, and even more fun that it's FREE!

Last weeks in Washington

kitchen dance party

Titlow Beach

So proud of this home! So many things we did to make it that much better. The second-story paint job, adding the navy shutters, painting my front doors navy to match, the front lawn landscaping and the landscape job bordering the house, painting the kitchen cabinets and adding the hardware, adding the canned lighting in the family room, master bedroom paint job, a new porch and most recently (thank you Mr. Inspector) a newly serviced HVAC, new roof, and new crawl space. Through the whole process I thought at some point I would feel sad to be leaving after putting so much work into this house. It was quite the opposite - I was proud and happy it would be with a new family to enjoy as much as we have.

Emmett is obsessed with chickens! We love going to Kari's house so he can chase/feed them and collect their eggs.

Titlow Beach

Meeker Days

the kids loved those goats

The Monday before we moved two goats got loose! Emmett quite enjoyed that fiasco.

I found two mountain bikes and a bike hitch on offerup before we moved. I drove to West Seattle to get them and am so happy I did! We've used them pretty much every day. I also got a kid trailer thing to pull the kids around.

Our going-away party

My CrossFit coach Alecia - she was there for every mile stone and taught me to do crazy things like double-unders, pull ups, rope climbs, and (working on) hand stand pushups. My last week she helped me with my back squat and I was able to do 20 reps at 125 pounds! I will MISS this CrossFit gym!

 Country Living

Told you he was strong...

It's not every day they fall asleep on me anymore...

Quality time with Granny

The other day my mom had me mow the lawn and collect it. She wheeled the boys over to the garden and had them help her put it down.

What you can't see is Logan's scream because he was quite terrified but the kids love going to see the neighbor's horse.

Kittens! The neighbors have kittens and every day they come over for a visit. We make sure to feed them so they keep coming.

Not everyone is a fan - Justin is allergic

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