Sunday, January 8, 2017

New Years

Happy 2017 everyone! The last week of December we had additional family come to visit.
Thursday we went up to Silverdale to hang out with Justin's parents. Four grandbabies that all need afternoon naps made for an interesting afternoon, but everyone played games and had good food plus good company. We introduced James and Bonnie to our favorite Pad Thai place for dinner.

Friday morning all the Rose boys got together to play racquetball. I love that all four brothers and their dad play that together. In the afternoon we had family pictures taken. James and Bonnie went out to eat with Jon and Judy, and Jon and Laura went out to eat with her parents, so Justin and I babysat all the kiddos plus had Joe hang out with us. It made for a loud night. Ha!

Saturday James and Bonnie visited their friends all day. I played Justin in a few rounds of The Farming Game - playing that game is either awesome or painful - I remember playing that game on many frigid Idaho days with Keaton and Chase. One time we asked Dad to play with us and he refused - said he plays that game every day of his life and he didn't need the extra stress. So true!

New Year's Eve night Emmett woke up at 11:30 to eat, so I took him downstairs and we watched (and heard) the fireworks going off all around us. I reflected on the past year for our family with gratitude. We had so many great things happen for our family: several promotions for Justin, my first pregnancy, birth, and child! Ending my short teaching career and entering mommyhood - plus all the opportunities we've had serving at church. Coordinating youth conference was a great experience. I love teaching the youth in Sunday school, and have formed a lot of great friendships in our ward.

When he got up again at 5:30 it was snowing the most beautiful, still, thick snow. The kind I haven't seen since our last night in Rexburg. I absolutely love the snowfall. Our church was canceled due to the maybe 1/2" of snow on the ground. Awesome! We hosted all the Roses once more for lunch and hung out the rest of the day. We watched The Magnificent Seven that evening. I'm not much of a western girl, but I surprisingly liked it.

In other news, Emmett is 5 months old! This baby melts my heart every dang day. He is sooooo drooly! Oh my goodness... he used to soak through his shirts in barf, now he soaks through his shirts in drool. It's pretty amazing and disgusting. His skin is more clear on some days than others, but for the most part is under control. He has a love/hate relationship with his bumbo. He is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. He has almost choked twice now on bread and paper - we are still learning to keep things out of his reach. He is SO determined - when he sees something he wants he will roll and twist in many-a-fashion to get to it. He is absolutely fascinated with Jackson and will reach out and try to grab him as he walks by. If I reach my arms out to him, he will reach toward me the rest of the way - he is fun to interact with. Still no teeth, and still no solids. He's in size 3 diapers and 3-6 and 6 month clothes. I boxed away all the 0-3 month clothes the other day...he's growing up too fast! One thing is certain: this boy knows his mommy and his daddy and LOVES to give us big smiles and giggles. He is such a flirt - any lady that gives him the time of day will get his sweet little smile.

Stake basketball season is on and I decided to play this year. I am surprised and excited with how quickly my basketball-ness came back. I loved the first game and am hungry for more!

This week I go to New Orleans for Mary Kay Leadership Conference - I know, crazy right? It's a conference for sales directors only, but this year they are letting consultants come who are in qualification to become directors - which I am (also known as DIQ for those who saw it on fb). I am so excited because Justin and Emmett are coming too! I can't wait to post the pictures for that next week.

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