Nothing really happened that was exciting for us this week. I got sick to the extreme! That was very disappointing because we were looking forward to harvesting potatoes with Trisha for FHE that week and I ended up being in a Niquil-coma. Tuesday and Wednesday morning I was coughing up blood. Because I'm crazy, I still HAD to go to class. It didn't help that Rexburg decided to turn its thermostat way down this week as well. Tuesday we were still enjoying fall weather, and from Wednesday until probably June 2013 the weather has gone sour. Biking to school has been quite the trial...especially when your bike gets a flat tire on the way home. Blarg! But, I'm happy to report that now I'm doing much better.
Justin was able to take care of me all week which was a looks like I'll be taking care of him this week because he's coming down with a sore throat which could turn into who-knows-what. For FHE we plan on going to Winco which is fun for us, especially Justin. I think Winco is his next favorite store after Home Depot.
In two weeks Justin's brother gets home from his mission in Portugal. We'll probably fly up to see him and also celebrate his brother Jon's birthday. We've been doing fantasy football with his family and I've gone from consistently losing to consistently winning....I'm the dark horse, I know it! There's a $60 prize for the winner. We are hard core.
I have my first geology and physics tests this week and they are scheduled on the exact same days...great! Coordinating ultimate has been better since I've decided to completely ignore all of BYU-Idaho's Competitive Sports rules. It has been liberating and exhilarating ..I can't wait to see what they do to me when/if I get caught.
General Conference was a delight! All my single female friends are basically signing their mission papers as we speak. Rexburg can stop building more women's housing because half the campus is going to serve I swear. The church is going to explode! Exciting times.
Justin and I went home to Arco for conference and got to spend time with Gabe and Christy's kids while Christy recovered from surgery. Brigette and I carved a pumpkin (in other words, I carved the pumpkin while Brigette coached me to "make it scary" =]) and Justin played a lot of hide and seek. Fun kids at fun ages!
That's about it for us. Until next time!
Fireplace Makeover
2 years ago
I love Winco too. It's my favorite. I seriously love their bulk section. I get tons of stuff for cooking there but I also love that I can get just a little bit of candy for cheap. Fav!