Monday was my geology lab test. After getting home from the field trip Saturday night, there was no time to go into the lab to study. So now I debated between going in on Sunday and having an idea of what I was doing, or winging it come Monday. I decided to keep the Sabbath Day holy dangit, and got up early Monday morning to study in the lab for an hour. The Lord definitely magnified that study session because I feel that I did very well on the test. Then again, I don't know my score yet, so I may have done worse than I thought. We'll see.
For FHE Justin and I went to the I-Center and played volleyball and basketball. I love being married to someone athletic so we can play together! We're on a rec volleyball team as well as a rec frisbee team, so we've stayed busy in the sports we love.
Wednesday we had a ward relief society activity where we met the sisters we visit teach and had delicious chili and cornbread.
Thursday morning we were greeted by 6" of snow! What! Justin and I tried riding our bikes in it and turned right around. Getting to school was way stressful because the plows weren't out so it was new wet slush everywhere on the roads with inexperienced, stupid drivers who don't know how to use 4-way stops even when the weather is perfect. For competitive sports we did a service project where we made blankets for kids for Christmas. I gave a presentation on drugs in my health science class with my group right after the service project. We chose to present on the 2C-I family which is a new psychoactive drug also known as "smiles." It's pretty new, so it made it more interesting compared to doing a presentation on alcohol or something.
Friday Justin left for Seattle to see his brother who just got home from his mission in Portugal. I am feeling very overwhelmed with my work load, especially from the past week into this week, so for me it was bad timing school-wise for me to go and we are also poor college students who can't afford planes tickets so I opted to stay home. I took my physics test and headed to the upper fields for some frisbee coordinating. The snow was a problem. I called an emergency meeting with my coaches and they all still wanted to play, so we made it happen. We had games at 6 and at 8 in thick, wet snowfall. One of the coaches and her player got all up in my face about a rule at the end and I wanted to smack her. Really? Does she realize how much I'd LOVE to take her place as a loser in one game versus being the coordinator who gets to freeze on the sideline and take stats all night? Idiot! I was way frustrated about that...oh well.
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Stephanie Skeans; I tutor at school and she plays frisbee as well |
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me with the Hurricanes |
Saturday I helped my friend Jenny do a try-a-tri event with the school. Participants had to run 1.5 miles, bike 12, and swim 6 laps (300 meters). I was the person at the end keeping the final times. Watching everyone do it makes me want to the do the one in December, but everything is double the distance. The swimming would probably kill me! Better start training. I went to the gym from there and then got my hair cut. It feels so short! I got a bunch of layers put in it. I think it's cute but I think I already miss my other look.
Jenny and me working the station |
I hung out with my friend Katrina Saturday night at her stake activity. I helped her do the games for everyone and helped clean up after. They sent us home with tons of extra food (candy, apples, vegetables, cookies, etc.) for our help, so that was awesome! I hung out at Katrina's watching T.V. and almost playing Halo until I had her take me home. I also went to church with her today since her husband was gone as well this weekend, so that was fun to have someone take the sting of loneliness away. Seriously, how do people do it when they lose their spouse? I hope I die right quick after Justin dies.
Also, a guy at church asked if I was pregnant today...that'll teach me to stand up straight from now on. That's it for now!
Mom put this picture on cute!
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