Emmett said, "Mommy say cheese!"

We got some new plants for the front of our house and I'm thrilled with how nice it looks.
Emmett sorting all his dinosaurs
We went to Aunt Stacy's for the annual Beal lunch (always close to Grandma's birthday). My kids were in heaven with her cute playhouse
This old teeter-totter was from Grandma's house - Stacy said that Grandpa built it.
The cutest chicken coop ever - makes me want to get chickens immediately.
Mom brought starts over and we planted a wind break.
Checking out Stacy's she-shed
Logan is a bit of a daredevil
We love our summer ice cream runs to the Drive In
Outshine popsicles are our favorite
Jon and Laura always hook us up with books and toys when we come visit.
Sherlene Traughber brought us a cat - still a kitten but big enough to get away from Teddy and fend for itself. Emmett named it Callie (pretty sure it was a boy cat but oh well). He did great with us for a few days and on Saturday we found him dead on the road about a mile away toward the highway. I don't know why he decided to go way the heck over there... it's too bad because he fit in really well with the other cats, and he would hang out on the back porch. The kids would hold him and carry him around and he was very chill. Sigh...we're 1/4 with our cat adoptions.

Will we ever get a ripe tomato before the kids rip them off? Probs not.
Ahhh....I miss this kitty

The kids live for their hotdogs after our Costco shopping
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