I've been reading the books of Leonard Sax lately. I totally love his books so far and am excited to continue reading. I read The Collapse of Parenting, and I finished Boys Adrift last week. He talks about five factors that have influenced boys in the last 10-20 years causing them to be unmotivated and underachieving. The chapter on endocrine disruptors was particularly fascinating - and terrifying. I even went to the trouble of calling the companies of the different products we have for Emmett to get information about their ingredients - I know! That's how crazy I felt after reading that chapter! It was an eye-opener. I am currently reading Why Gender Matters - such a refreshing read with all the garbage out there about choosing to be whatever gender you please - sorry - doesn't work that way! Girls on the Edge will be after that. This is good stuff peeps!
As head of the party planning committee for our ward (Office reference, anyone?) we (and by "we" I mean Justin) started getting things rolling this week. Justin made a flyer to pass out at church today. I am definitely getting excited for Halloween, but I need to get going on our costumes! It's my favorite holiday!

waiting for Justin to get home at the train station
pumpkins and hot chocolate
Thursday we went to a pumpkin patch in Buckley. They had so many great things to do with kids - I can't wait for Emmett to be older so we can play with him with that kind of stuff! I love the idea of going to the pumpkin patch for kids to pick out their pumpkin to carve for Halloween. We're going to start that tradition this year.

apparently I drink a lot of hot chocolate...
Friday afternoon I met a teacher friend for "coffee." She was my go-to substitute last year. She's my age and I love talking with her. Anyway, as we were talking she asked how I met Justin and I told her at BYU-Idaho. She later asked me what it was like growing up Mormon. I had Emmett with me, so I used him as an example and started with the beginning:
I asked her if she'd heard of the Book of Mormon. She said she had - I told her in it, we learn that babies are incapable of sin, so we don't baptize babies like they do in other churches - we wait to baptize until they're older. I told her about kids transitioning to the youth program and the annual conference they attend to have classes and activities to strengthen their faith in Christ. I told her young adults have the option to serve a two-year mission where they share their faith with people all across the world. I told her that we're a world-wide church. I told her that when Jesus Christ was on the Earth, he had 12 apostles, and in our church we have a prophet, and that he has 12 apostles, so our church is set up just like Christ's when he was here. I told her that we have the opportunity to hear from our prophet and his apostles twice a year, and that it was just last week. She asked how that works, and I told her it's broadcast live and you can find it on youtube! I explained that General Conference is like a bunch of TedTalks that are centered around the teachings of Jesus Christ.
She was totally into everything I was telling her, and upon reflection, so was I! I mean, do we realize what we have? I know I don't always - and I was grateful for the chance to share how our church works, what we believe, and what we have. I sent her a link to Elder Uchtdorf's talk from the general women's broadcast - 4th floor, last door. I hope she listens to it! I shared my testimony of that experience today in church. I mean really, do we realize what we have? It was a faith-building experience for me.
I am not properly smiling because I was so enthralled talking to the painting teacher about her preschool centered around the philosophies of the book "Last Child in the Woods" which I will be reading after all the Leonard Sax books!
this never gets old...

Being this sweet baby's momma is the best thing in the whole world. I love baby Emmett soooo much! He loves to talk to us, laugh, and smile. He is spitting up less and blowing out his diapers more - time to move up to size two methinks! He is getting close to rolling over. Oh my word - we love our sweet baby boy.
Emmett giggles with Daddy
Baby Smiles
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