For the last week of school I had my kids do a research project on careers in science - how much school it takes, how much money you make, etc. It kept them somewhat engaged for the last week - a miracle considering all the other teachers were showing various movies and apparently I was "the only teacher making us do work!" as the kids would say. Oh well kids - I'm a teacher, not a babysitter!
Friday the kids only came for two hours. It was cold and windy, but we managed to have fun in the courtyard with different activities and a DJ from a local radio station. I had kids help me get the room all ready for summer, so all I had to do was turn in my keys and I walked away singing Hallelujah! This meme my friend posted on facebook completely sums up that day:
I was one of the first teachers to leave and I didn't feel an ounce of regret or remorse. Peace out Cascade MS - from the lockdowns, all the fights, the shattered glass, the graffiti, and various other forms of's been real.
That one time these crazy boys stole my phone and took a selfie...
First day of school to last day of school. That girl on the left had no idea how crazy the next nine months would be, or how much she could learn to love the sweet girl with me on the right. At the beginning of the year, I prayed she would get expelled because I knew I would not survive the school year with her. But around November things started to change and I'd say we've both had a significant impact on each other's lives. This is what teaching is all about for me, and it made the rest of Cascade's crazy worth it.
One of my T.A.s and I: I don't know how to make a silly face
...or look as cool as her ;)
I was in charge of giant Jenga - these two boys played the most epic match of the day, complete with the best whip nae nae I've ever seen.
I met Justin in Tacoma that afternoon and we did our Costco shopping. That night we celebrated with burgers, shakes, fries and mini golf.
Saturday a few of the Roses went to the Sounders game in Seattle. It was so hot in the bleachers - I doused myself in water to try to keep cool, and at half-time resorted to a $5.25 cup of ice to use to stuff down my shirt to keep away the heat stroke. It worked like magic. We didn't stay the whole game so we could stop in Kent on the way home for BBQ Pete's - it was soooo good.
We took the train on the way up

Here are some pictures from the baby shower Laura threw me in the beginning of the month:
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Judy made this baby blanket - so cute! |
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