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My "I made it through the first day teaching" selfie |
This week has been interesting. I've had kids with asthma attacks, crying, kids storming out of my room swearing at the top of their lungs, fist fights, and non-compliance in every form imaginable. I've even had kids accuse me of yelling the F-word at them. Ha...do you know me at all? Seriously, these 7th graders are crazy! Ha! But somehow, I think they've learned a little bit about kinetic energy - you know - the stuff they're supposed to be paying attention to but it's slightly impossible when kids are throwing chairs across the room.
I really love the other teachers I work with and my administrators. They have my back and I have great support from them. I have two class periods then prep, then lunch, then two periods and then my accelerated class. It's a sweet schedule!
This week Justin and I went to the temple on Thursday night. Wednesday night we had McTeacher night where the teachers served food at McDonald's. Our school got 20% of the funds McD's made that night. My job was to dance outside the place and lure in traffic to come get a burger. You know you did a good job when you can get other drivers to dance with you on their grumpy commutes and even get them to come buy a shake to donate to your cause! It was fun to see kids and parents outside of school - "it's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs." https://vine.co/v/Ou6przvji7d
I've been really tired all week getting used to my new schedule. I go to bed no later than 9:00 and we get up every morning at 5:00. I'm excited about that healthy new habit as I now read my scriptures and pray every morning before getting ready. I'm getting proper sleep and forming good habits so my physical and spiritual self is thanking me.
Sassy Justin quote of the week - upon getting home from the temple, we went to get dessert at safeway. He got chocolate chip cookies then asked what I wanted. I said maybe Oreo's but that I "probably didn't need it." Justin - in his most sassy-self ever - said, "You made it through the week: Treat Yo Self!" If you missed the reference, check out this short clip:
Treat Yo Self
It's the Washington State Fair in Puyallup for the next few weeks. We got free tickets cuz I'm a teacher so we may go, but we may just have a chill weekend. Until next time remember to Treat Yo Self!
Scott and I LOVE that show!