A while back a student in student council approached me about being in the pie eating contest during the Halloween dance. I accepted, and after school on Thursday was the dance. I was also asked to chaperon, so it was a win-win! The pie eating contest had a teacher, an 8th grader, and 7th grader, and a 6th grader. At some point shortly before the contest began, it occurred to me that the objective was to actually eat the whole pie as fast as I could (which somehow slipped my mind when I initially accepted the challenge). I was going against an 8th grade boy and was sure he would win, but I ended up winning the contest! It was no easy feat: I nearly threw up. You couldn't use your hands, so that would have meant me barfing all over the student who was holding my pic tin for me...speaking of pie tin: I was a little aggressive with my pie eating and ended up cutting my chin on the aluminum pie tin! Sheesh! my strategy was to get as much pie on my face and in my hair so as to eat less which ended up paying off. My reward for winning? A $20 gift certificate to Marie Calendars for more pie. Awesome.
Overall I think I had more fun at the dance than any of the students. I was dancing the whole time! When "Shake it Off" by T-Swift came on, there was a circle of students just watching me dance because I love that song and I was working it! So so so so so much fun.
*Plenty of pictures were taken of all the above, but not on a camera I have access to yet: I will show those pictures when I get the chance!
When I got home to shower the chocolate pie out of my hair, Justin was on the phone doing his second interview with DaVita. He won't find out what they thought about the interview until Friday of this week. We don't really know what to expect, but Justin felt good about his interview, so we will see.
Thursday night was also our ward activity. A lot of the youth and kids were dressed up, but not as many adults: lame much?! Justin and I dressed up of course: you can't NOT dress up if you're married to me! I made our costumes and I worked on them for quite a while throughout the month. I was stoked to show them off! Another couple in our ward had the same costume idea which was hilarious: she was Tink, he was Hook, and their baby boy was dressed up as Peter Pan! Of course we had to get a picture. Justin and I brought soup and a dessert to share and we were in charge of one of the kid games after dinner. We enjoyed hanging out with a few people in our ward during the trunk-or-treat part of the night. It was an awesome ward party!
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This is Justin's red jacket fresh from Goodwill. I transformed it into his costume! |
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Somebody has great taste in costumes! |
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The Bishop drove the kids around in this darling train. Love it! |
That night we were invited to a Halloween party by a couple in our ward. We got to hang out with a lot of families and their kids. We took them trick or treating around the block and ate lots of delicious food. Trick-or-treating in the city is amazing! I was explaining to my friend Rachel how in Lost River you bundle up with your winter coat underneath your costume, drive a mile to get to a house, trick or treat, and then drive a mile to get to the next house. Wow Mom and Dad are total TROOPERS! It took two hours to trick or treat! We trick or treated for 15 minutes and we were done! It was actually more like 30 minutes but, you get my point.
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sorry for the camera weirdness, but it's trick-or-treating time! We have Tinkerbell, Dorothoy, a pirate, a 50's girl, Thor, and Minny Mouse. |
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I trimmed my costume up for Halloween: it looked so much better! |
Saturday Justin and I traveled to the west side of town to visit Red Rock Canyon. I am obsessed with this place because geologically it is baffling to me! Since Justin might be getting a new job, we are fitting in all the things we want to do in Vegas before our time here is up. It was COLD. The goal was to drive around and hit up some of the hikes, but the desert heat has officially changed my tolerance for cold. I couldn't stand to be in the brisk wind for more than a few minutes. Luckily, much of the canyon is easily enjoyed via car anyway. We enjoyed our morning seeing the different sights.
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All sandstone...and a random strip of oxidized sandstone sandwiched in between....I don't get it! It's obviously time to start my research. |
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One of the best examples of preserved wind direction |
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gorgeous alternating red and white sandstone |
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weather permitting, I probably would have bouldered all over this place all day. I think Keaton would have loved it. It's so easy to climb around, and there's so much to explore! |
That afternoon we worked through some Best Buy/Verizon drama to figure out our phone situation, but by the end of the day I walked away with a free upgrade so, not really complaining. We ate at Red Robin to stuff our faces with bottomless fries before starting our fast. 1:00 church is kind of nice on fast Sunday because you get to start so late on Saturday, but also pretty horrible...especially on daylight savings Sunday. Wow, I officially hate daylight savings. At 6:00 this evening it felt like bed time! There is still plenty to get done after 6:00, yet I feel like it's time to watch Netflix and eat the rest of the night. This is not boding well for my figure.
Today Justin and I subbed in Primary. The last time I attended primary for any reason I was 11: it was an adventure! We only had two boys show up for our class assignment. Another class had seven rather rowdy five year-olds which was quite the sight to behold. Our two boys were total rock stars and we had fun doing singing time with them and teaching them about service. I made lasagna soup for dinner and it made a ton, so we went to the Haymores and shared with them. Rachel made a Texas sheet cake for dessert which was totally awesome! Isn't food the best thing EVER?
Tonight Justin's family did a Google Hangout with him and played a game where he earned a gift card of his choice for his birthday present: he won a Red Robin gift card and a movie gift card. This special guy has a birthday coming up this week! I am lucky to be married to such a gem!
That was our fun-filled Halloween week. Until next time!
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