Up until a few months ago, I had no intention of ever living in Washington. In fact, when I was dating Justin I said, "If you want to marry me, you need to know now that I will not live in Washington." But at James's wedding in September it just clicked in my head like, "I could live by these people!" <---- AKA: the in-laws. Justin started looking for work a few weeks later. Initially he applied for a different position, but that led him to apply for two other positions giving him a good shot at getting one of them. I would say "lucky for us" but I know it's not luck, it's the Lord, so "blessed are we" that Justin got the very best position of the three offered to him! The interview process has been going on for about a month, so it is a huge relief after extensive interviews and tests.
So...now what? Well, we need to figure a few things out but what we know for sure is that Justin starts December 1st (this is all feeling frighteningly like last year at this time). He found that out on Sunday, so just in time for him to put in his two week notice yesterday. He has this week, next week, and then we are taking a week to spend in Seattle for Thanksgiving and he starts the next week! So basically, we will fly to WA together, and then I will fly back to Vegas while he stays and starts his job. Crazy! So we are figuring out when I can join him and where we're both going to live and all that.
In other news, Justin celebrated his 26th birthday last week. Tuesday night I surprised him with tickets to Wicked: it was playing in Vegas until the 9th, so we caught it just in time. We loved it! Wednesday for his actual birthday we went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and he opened his gifts: some new clothes and a fitbit! Totally surprised him with that one. p.s: ALWAYS buy protection on your expensive toys! Hello...$20 for a two year protection which we ended up using that very weekend!
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Justin's work people decorated his desk for his birthday: cute! |
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They know him so well. =] |
...Because we had an Ultimate tournament this weekend! Thankfully it was in Vegas this time so everybody came to us. There were 11 teams that came out to play. We didn't do so great: we went 1-3 on Saturday. Don't be deceived: I played awesome. Ha. Just kidding. But seriously, Justin and I had tons of fun playing together and we both played well even though we lost a lot. During one game some idiot flew into Justin ripping his fitbit off causing him to lose the connecting piece rendering it useless (as it needs to stay on your wrist to work). Thanks to my $20 investment, we went to Best Buy that very night and got a ban-spankin' new fitbit totally free. Win.
*No pictures yet, but they will come...
In other good news, it's "No School November." We've had two three-day weeks so far and it's been glorious! Little do students know that teachers are more excited to miss school than kids: every time.
Since I know Justin and I will be separated for my favorite time of the year ever, I put our Christmas tree up. Judge me all you want, but I want to celebrate Christmas while my husband is around! So yes, the tree is up, it is lit nearly 24/7, and Christmas music has been playing off my Pandora station for the past few days: deal with it. Pretty soon my students will get to deal with it as I will be playing Christmas music in class. I'm already looking forward to spending Christmas in Idaho with Dad's homemade strawberry ice cream, salmon and waffles, fudge, and all the rest of Mom's delicious food. Not to mention the SNOW and the COLD I am looking forward to and everything that entails: snowboarding for sure, maybe some sledding, maybe a snowman or two...I can't wait! The 70 degree weather has been great, but it is just WRONG to sing "Let it Snow" when it is 70 degrees outside! So not festive...#endrant.
That's about everything I have to say for this week. Wish us luck on our new adventure! We know that as we continue to make decisions with Heavenly Father's guiding us, we will always be happy. That's what brought us to our Vegas adventure which has been amazing in a lot of ways. We've felt for some time that the Lord has something new in store for us, and we're excited to start a new chapter of our lives.