Teaching this week has been really great. I had my first observation from my supervisor and she gave me all 3's out of 4. She said that's really good for a first time observation and that from what she observed, teaching comes very naturally to me. I have to agree with her! I love teaching and I'm good at it. I love working with the group of students I have. Some are impossibly hard but it's worth it when I'm grading their science journals and I see they've left me notes like, "We love you Mrs. Rose!" One student even gave me a hug. It's been great!
This week we did some fun experiments in class with different densities. I did this experiment with warm and cold water to show them how their densities are different. They loved it!
I took cold and warm water, dying them blue and red and place the cold water on top of the warm water. The water mixed. |
I did the same thing but with warm water on top of cold water. It didn't mix that time. They recorded their observations and gave a conclusion for why the water mixed the first time but not the second -- fun! |
We bought a new hair clipper set so I can start cutting Justin's hair again. I cut his hair today and it is the best I've done yet. It's a little short, but at least it's even this time. We also checked out the 'best bakery in Henderson' and shared a slice of chocolate cake. Yum! The weather here has turned cloudy and sort-of rainy. Because it there's hardly any rain, the oil builds up on the roads so when it finally does rain it's really slick. Luckily we haven't had to drive when it's been raining yet.
Ready to cut some hair! Before... |
After! |
Chocolate cake! |
Cool sunset |
We found a kitchen table on Craig's list for $140! We love it - it feels good to eat dinner at a table for the first time in two months! It's in great condition and just the right size. We love Craig's list! Next paycheck we'll be looking for a used mattress. Thank goodness for Dave Ramsey! We pay with cash only for things we can afford. It's a slow process but we're learning and we're grateful!

Friday night we went out to dinner and watched some Prison Break at home. We also did our grocery shopping and got our favorite treat - cold cereal! We go through it so fast. Berry Collosal Crunch? We refer to it as Berry Collosal Crack because it is so addicting! Saturday we "slept in" until 7. Crazy when sleeping until 7 feels like sleeping in! We made French toast and helped clean the church, then played ultimate at Sunset Park. We played for three hours! It was a lot of fun and the weather was perfect. I've been hesitant to play because when I went one time with Justin I didn't touch the disc hardly at all but Saturday I scored a bunch of points so I finally proved myself! I worked on my lesson plans for next week and we watched more Prison Break.
Sunday we had ward conference and church got out an hour early. Gotta love that! Justin caught up with his parents and I called my mom to visit for a bit. I'm grateful that it's so easy to stay in touch with the people I love that are so far away. Now we're having breakfast for dinner! We are very happy and so grateful for all the blessings we have!
I got 3's on my first observation too! You must be rockin it over there! Of course I knew you would:) I guarantee they hire you after your student teaching! I think Chase and I need to come to Vegas to visit you guys! we miss you guys tons!