Wednesday was a relaxed day for everyone. James and Bonnie took the train into Seattle and spent the day doing Seattle things while Justin and I went to the Hunter's (Keith and Gerda...Laura's parents) to do some yard work! The Hunters recently moved to Puyallup from Kent to be closer to Jon and Laura. Keith and Gerda are both retired teachers. Their new home is lovely! They saved everything in the move, including some plants! So we dug a bunch of holes to replant them in the new backyard along with some new additions. He had a bunch of them and they were all big! We were there for most of the day. After that we went to Best Buy and got Justin the HTC One for $5. That was awesome! Thank you buy-back program! We babysat baby Clara that evening so Jon and Laura could take James and Bonnie out to dinner to get to know her a little better. I made rolls for Thanksgiving dinner the next day. They turned out all right...baking them in Idaho is great...! But I didn't know how to convert the time and temperature to sea level, and neither did Google, so they didn't turn out how I wanted. Oh well!
Thanksgiving Day the Roses have a tradition of going out to a movie. We, of course, went to Catching Fire. Justin and I would have gone to the midnight showing last week but since the family was seeing it together we held off to watch it with everyone. Oh my goodness I loved it so much!!! Ahhhhh it was so good.
For the first time in my life I didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner at 11:30...we got together at The Hunters and had a huge dinner at 4:00. We had all the Roses along with all the Hunters there so we had 14 total. A house full! The food was amazing! David (Laura's brother) made yams that should not classify as yams...they were more like butter and brown sugar...and they were amazing. Ha! Justin made a comic book Christmas present for his family so we looked at that together after dinner. He made us all into 'super heroes' and then incorporated all the inside-jokes of the family into the story line. We played some games after that and that was our Thanksgiving celebration!
Friday was a ton of fun. While everyone else was Black Friday shopping, we played a bunch of sports. It started with Justin and I playing one-on-one and then we played lightning, pig, 500 (with a disc and a football), and my new favorite: Calvin Ball! Calvin Ball is a Rose Brother invention. It is dodgeball with a stick you can use to block the ball, and there are no boundaries -- just a total free-for-all. It was so fun! My father in-law took a video but he can't email it to me for some reason...darn! I wish you all could see it. It was great. We took a break for lunch and then went to a field close by and played football, kickball, and ultimate. We were playing outside all day until it was dark! After that Justin's parents came over to play more games. We played rage which didn't go over so well but they got it by the end!
Saturday we went to Jon and Judy's house to spend the day with them. We had excellent white bean chili for lunch, played games, and watched football. We went to a hockey game that night. The Seattle Thunderbirds played the Victoria Cardinals and beat them 6-3. It was so fun to watch! In the first period there was a fight where the guys took off their helmets and just started laying into each other hard. I was waiting for the referees to break it up but apparently once they've gotten into it they let them go at it until someone is on the floor! I was like, "Oh this is violent!" and Justin just laughed. He plays hockey so he was able to explain a few things to me. There were some really annoying kids sitting behind us and a crazy fan from Victoria sitting in front of us. In between each period the Zamboni comes out to groom the ice and they do some kind of activity with the crowd. They had a "turkey bowl" where three girls tried knocking down as many bowling pins as they could with a frozen turkey to win free tickets. Another time they brought out a new car onto the ice and people threw rubber hockey pucks at it -- if their hockey puck made it into the sun roof they won the car! That was fun to watch too. After that we said goodbye to everyone and goodnight.
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We got free hats with our tickets |
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Justin's en-Raged! |
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"Nine more hands?" |
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"Gahhhhh" Hahaha...Jon didn't love the game... |
This morning we got up early and hit the road at 7:00. It was a horrible drive. It rained/snowed 75% of the time, the wind blew 100% of the time, and it was dark 30% of the time. Yuck. I had Justin drive both passes because there was just too much water and I was going too slow to be safe for everyone else on the road, so I closed my eyes and prayed. I am turning into Mom. In the first few minutes of the trip a pine tree had blew over onto the freeway so that was a close dodge in the dark! Miraculously we are home safe in our cozy apartment!
Now three more weeks and I "graduate!" I won't get my degree in the mail until after student teaching but the ceremony is on the 20th. Planning our stay in Vegas next year has become progressively stressful, so everyone keep us in your prayers. The biggest thing is finding Justin a job. In order to rent an apartment you have to show that you make 3X the amount of rent each month....hmmmmmmm...yeah. Keep us in your prayers. Until next time!
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