Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bella Complex Anyone?

Hello all!! My life has recently exploded. Have fun reading about all my interesting drama.

Last Monday for FHE our ward got together at a church and had sandwiches for dinner. We met our FHE groups, and at the time mine only had 4 boys with 12 girls, but now it's got more guys in it, and Justin is in my group!! So we are all excited about that.

Tuesday through Friday I was in Arco surveying for my job. One of my bosses called me and said they're going to be doing a similar survey in Moore. I'll have more to say about that later, but for now the big drama with my job has been this:

Dogs!!!! I have such a problem with dogs! I carry pepper spray, but holy smokes I am seriously amazed at how many "Beware of Dog" signs there are, and how many there SHOULD be. People--lock your dogs up. Sure, they "won't bite" but I mean, c'mon--seriously? I also dealt with a lot of "characters" this week. I had a few people give me their pointed opinions, and all I can think is "Don't Shoot the Messenger People!!!" I'm just trying to do my job. Whatever; I'm over it.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I did a lot of hanging out with friends. We went swimming, played cards, ALMOST went canoeing, and then on Saturday all afternoon I helped with an Ultimate Frisbee camp. I also had a coaches training meeting that day. We had tons of people show up at the Upper Fields where we did drills, learned the rules, practiced tossing and reading the disc, and after that we had hotdogs at an apartment complex's grassy area. Tryouts are next week, so I'm excited to get my team and start practicing and having games. Woooo!

Sunday I accompanied Trisha's choir in her ward in Rigby. Justin came along to be my page turner. =] We went to primary with Trisha for the next two hours, and the kiddos sang to us the songs they'll be singing in the primary program later. Trisha made the most amazing soup for us, and it was SO PERFECT for the day. It feels so much like Fall here I can't even handle it! Don't get me wrong; I love it! But it's just crazy how soon the weather changed. And folks, this is where my life gets interesting. Lately I've felt a little like this:

I've got two guys that like me (and apparently it's a competition between the two of them now) and I don't feel good about it. It's just weird because guys don't usually like me, so I'm like a drought my whole life, and now all the sudden I'm drowning!! I'm REALLY GOOD FRIENDS with them BOTH. But it's impossible not to hurt someone's feelings at this point... and as much as I don't want to be the bad guy to anyone, it seems that point will eventually be inevitable. You gotta do what you gotta do, right? AND I feel like I'm already pissing them both off because I'm just not interested in dating either one exclusively, and they both know this. Yet they still want to try...so it's just REALLY INTERESTING (p.s. be conservative with your comments...both boys read my blog).

But moving on...today I went to The Development Company where I work and found my two bosses sitting outside talking. It was almost as if they were expecting me to show up to talk to them about my work situation. I got out and Ted said, "We were just visiting about how efficient you've been on the survey thus far," which made me feel really good. We then went inside to an office and they said they want to extend my work until December (which is great because before I only had work until around mid-October....so YEAH!). Ted said he wants to pay me to do some writing for them! "You're a good writer, right?" he said to me, and I said heck yes! So I will be doing another survey in Moore plus finishing up the survey in Arco, and that has to get done in the next two weeks. The thing is, I can't head out this week due to the survey not being ready for me for Moore yet, and I have frisbee tryouts I need to be to this weekend. That means all next week I need to get the surveys DONE, so there's pressure there to finish. But yeah once the survey is done, they're going to set up an office for me here in Rexburg where I'll write and get paid!! Holy dream come true for me. =] The Lord is so good to me in my life. I have so many tremendous blessings!

Well that's my story for this week. If you want more dirty details about the boy drama feel free to send me an email. I don't find my blog the best place to say much more than I have. OK well that's it for this week. Later!

1 comment:

  1. But my question is this...until you have kissed them both, how do you know which one is Edward?

    Just kidding. Keep them both in the friend zone for sure! Two good guy friends are better than 1 boyfriend that you most likely wont end up married to anyway, right???
