Monday, April 30, 2018

8 weeks

Logan is such a happy baby. He pretty much only cries when he is hungry or has a burp we have trouble getting out. He is just happy to be around, which is wonderful considering his brother is all over the place. 

Emmett is talking SO MUCH. I swear the other day he said "'go away" when I walked up to clean off his breakfast tray. Ok dude... Justin swears he heard him say, "I want more please" - he is getting it! We're working on teaching him Logan's name (he's still just "baby") and "I love you." We're also signing with him more so he can communicate when he's feeling frustrated about something he wants and we don't know what it is. We had 3 glorious warm SUMMER days (up in the 80's!) last week and we enjoyed going for walks, playing at several different parks, and hanging out on the porch.

I ordered and finished "Protecting the Gift" this week after Mitzi posted about it. Such a critical read. Our 5th Sunday discussion was on abuse today - it is absolutely a topic we can't turn a blind eye to as parents and assume it wouldn't happen to our kid, in our family, in this neighborhood, etc. I trust no one! Lol...not entirely true, but I absolutely trust my gut and am unapologetic for it, thank you very much.

I finished 21 days fix and am now doing the 21 day fix extreme for (you guessed it) the next 21 days. I'm on day 4 tomorrow. I took before pictures and weighed myself - I won't weigh myself again until the full 21 days are over and I'll take pictures to see if I notice a difference. I don't have a sense of urgency about losing my baby weight because if I do, I get too obsessive and there's no joy in that - so I'm just letting it come off on its own, with time, exercise, and a little self control. Justin is training for a marathon at the end of June so it helps that we both are working toward our fitness goals.

I am just so FULL of gratitude for my life! I love my babies, my husband, and my every day. There is so much joy in raising these babies. We have such a unique season with Justin working from home - with this new business opportunity we have had to adjust schedules and budgets but the sacrifices are worth it to both be so present in our boys' lives.

Mom sent me this outfit - adorable boy!

I just love the newborn stage so much

We took the fam to the spring fair

He is holding a stick yelling "balll!" - because ball is life for this kid

some of the sharp gals in my unit at our red jacket rally

love this sweater!

Christy sent this adorable sleeper

best seat in the house

oh man...the other day he had a blowout and it was while I was on a walk with a friend. It was one of those defining mom moments of get as much poop off the kid to get him in his car seat without making a mess while you are also running out of baby wipes....we got him home, bathed, disinfected, and mommy took a breather while he caught up on his favorite - llama llama

we've not been able to gather a group to play ultimate with us on thursday nights but we still enjoy getting out - of course, no matter how many balls we bring for Emmett to play with, he just wants to chase after everyone else's soccer or basketballs at the park

such a mama's boy. Logan also smiles A TON - more than I remember Emmett ever smiling.

Monday, April 16, 2018

1 month

A little over one month, (5 weeks) but this kid is growing a ton! He is 11 pounds 11 oz! He's gained over 3 pounds in less than 6 weeks! He's way above in weight and height which is fun. It is in no way an indicator of a superior baby but it just makes me FEEL like he is a step above the rest ;) His smiles and baby coos are so precious!

We have had a very gloomy month. It was like the week he was born we had a few nice days and then the wind and rain and gray decided to settle in and stay a while. It's been the pits! It's hard to pull yourself out of the gray funk but my business keeps me busy and motivated, and I've started exercising as of last week. I'm on day 10 of my 21 day fix and this morning I weighed myself - I'm officially back in the 140's! 149.9 but still! From 170 I will take it. I'd like to lose another 15 pounds, but I think it would be awesome to lose another 20 or even 25 - I would be so skinny! But I don't know if I REALLY want to be that skinny step at a time. I got beach body on demand for Justin for Christnas and I've been using that program - after 21 day fix I am considering doing 80 day obsession.

In other news, Emmett is binky free! He has graduated beyond his pacifier. Last week we decided it was the right time because we were all adjusted with baby and I didn't want to wait any longer. He went from sleeping 12 hours straight at night and a 3 hour nap (sometimes 3.5-4) to waking in the night and less nap time but now that it's been a week he is getting back with the program. I re-read "Why Gender Matters" which was a great refresher on how to treat boys and girls at different ages, especially in terms of discipline. I do not want to be a wimpy and permissive parent! It's something I have to be constantly thinking of - day in, day out, day over.

We blessed Logan last week and had Justin's family over for burgers that Sunday. We had our yard done and bought hanging plants which really make our house look so fabulous. I love it!

Emmett likes to come sit in my lap these days - so cute.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

3 weeks old

I can't believe Logan is only 3 weeks old - it feels like so much longer! Like - what was life like before having two kids? What does being pregnant even feel like? It's scary how quickly we forget these things... In 6 months am I going to want to get pregnant again and have another baby? The thought gives me PTSD! Moving on...

Logan is getting more "sturdy" if you will - not so fragile anymore. Emmett is so cute with him. He loves to hold him and give him hugs and kisses. Every morning when Justin gets him up he starts chiming, "Baby, baby!" He likes to help buckle him into his car seat and give him his binky.

Logan is so so cute! Some features about him: his right ear is flat compared to his left which I just think is adorable. He has deep blue eyes, and lots of dark hair in the back. He has long fingers, toes, and feet! His legs are so skinny. He likes to take his sweet time with nursing. Emmett was super efficient! He would eat for like 5 minutes, projectile vomit and he was good to go! I remember a few explosive diapers as well. Logan like to eat for 15-20 minutes per side, then he is really gassy and needs to be held upright until those bubbles come up. He only throws up once and a while, and hasn't had any blow out diapers yet. He is definitely a momma's baby. Emmett was pretty content to be held or not by whoever - Logan does NOT like to be put down, and he will fuss until he's passed off to me - then he'll calm right down. That can be frustrating for all parties involved. ;) He has the sweetest little cry. He can hold his head up really well for being so newborn. Justin has a great video of him holding his head up for several seconds when he's only a few days old. Lately he's been sleeping at night for 4-5 hour stretches. He'll wake up 1-2 times a night, and on those night when he only wakes up once - hallelujah! Breastfeeding is going really well - lots better than the beginning was with Emmett.

3 days old

 I had career conference the next weekend after Logan was born. I decided to play it by ear to see how I was feeling by the end of the week. Come Friday I decided we'd go for it. We dropped Emmett off at Justin's parent's house to stay the night and we headed to Bellevue with the baby. Justin found a nice spot on the 4th floor of the Meydenbaur Center where he could get set up with his laptop and be with Logan until he woke up. Then he'd text me and I'm come out of class or general session or whatever, feed him, and head back in. It worked out pretty well! We were there Friday night through Saturday afternoon. I had some of my unit members attend with me and I was grateful to be well enough to be there and set a good example for them.

Last year I met Kristin and last fall I participated in her pacesetters program which made a huge difference in my business - she got to meet Justin and Logan which was fun for me! She is a national sales director with the company.

My birthday was the next week! Justin had a fun day planned for us - and the weather was spectacular! It actually hasn't been that nice since - I opened my birthday gifts in the morning and we went out to eat at a breakfast joint in Auburn. In the afternoon we walked Nathan-Chapman trail in the beautiful sunshine. I got a new outfit, two new books, and a special broom that is a miracle and I've loved it on my floors! It was probably my favorite birthday yet - Logan was an extra special gift this year <3 

Justin and I have attempted to start a pick-up ultimate night once a week. So far we've met twice and it's just been the two of us and the kids. We'll see if we can get it going! Some club soccer groups meet the same night and Emmett goes nuts over the soccer balls. This kid is absolutely crazy about any kind of ball. He is so much joy. We love watching him run and chase any and all kinds of balls - we've bought several for him - also, this rain suit is the BEST and I got it as a gift from one of my workout buddies from the Y.

 We went to Five Guys and when we were in line Emmett folded his hands - ready for prayer! We pray before meals and this was a crack up to catch him.

 Sunday walks at Nathan-Chapman trail are our new favorite - we enjoyed showing Emmett the ducks and teaching him a new animal.

2 weeks old
Emmett trying to give him a drink ;)
One of the things I love about Justin is he is always thinking of how to brighten other people's day. With Easter coming up, he saw this idea to "peep" your friends - since we all know that candy is useless anyway, he bought a TON of boxes and was prepared to "peep attack" a few families we're friends with. He made sugar cookies for them too - I didn't get pictures of the cookies but he airbrushed them and everything - they were pretty amazing looking AND tasting! We got up early Saturday morning to do the damage to the yards before they got up.

no good for eating but excellent target practice ;)
the families sent us pictures of their kids finding the peeps ;)
Later that morning the Puyallup rec center put on an Easter egg hunt. It was so fun having Emmett do it! Having kids makes EVERYTHING so much better. He stopped at the first candy spot and went completely nuts over the suckers he found. At one point he had one in his mouth, three in one hand and one in the other. He got quite a few looks from other moms - what can I say?

Conference in our jammies - Emmett found a chocolate bunny this morning.

Playing ball in the cul de sac
A fun side-by-side of Logan (bottom) and Emmett (top)
They look similar above but otherwise I think these boys look very different when you compare their looks at the same age - here they both are at 2 weeks old.
A sneak peak of his newborn session
I absolutely LOVE the newborn stage!