Monday, March 12, 2018

A Birth Story for Logan Benjamin Rose

Here is the story of how little Logan came into the world!

I'll start with Monday - yes, last Monday the 5th. I started having noticable contractions and lost a lot of mucus plug starting at noon. It was great timing, as we were scheduled to see Nancy at 3:00 that day. We reported the news and when she checked me I was at 1.5 cm dilated - that was more that I ever dilated with Emmett without having Nancy strip my membranes! She offered to do the same this time, and I took a deep breath and said, "Yes please!" She did this twice with Emmett and it was painful both times, but I also had a baby within 24 hours of her help. However, his head wasn't quite in position so she said to come back on Wednesday in the evening.

Wednesday came and I got a phone call that she had another mother there in labor, so we would need to come Thursday morning. I wasn't dilated any more than Monday, and I hadn't had any noteworthy contractions since then. He gave us such a tease and it was making me impatient! But by this time I resigned myself to the fact that I could very well be pregnant another week, and to just let him come when he was ready.

Friday night came and I started having strong enough contractions that I didn't sleep at all, but rather laid on the couch binge watching shows and deep breathing through each contraction. They were managable, and I labored like that from midnight to about 6AM. I dozed off and got a two-hour nap before we started our weekend. It was a BEAUTIFUL Saturday here in the PNW, so we ate it up! We played with Emmett in our cul de sac and at the park across the street. I had Jusitn take a picture of how big I was - which I'm glad I thought to do as I would be having a baby within the next day! I was having contractions this whole time, but because we were busy it was easy to go about our day while they were doing their work. That night I actually had two MK parties booked that I had planned to give to other consultants in my unit, but because I was feeling good I decided "What the heck!" So I went ahead and did them, and thank goodness I did because 1.) I sold lots of product and gained some new customers and 2.) it really helped take my mind off the contractions that started coming stronger.

When I got home at 8:30 I took an epsom salt bath and spent time with Justin until he went to bed. There would be no sleep for me for the second night in a row. I wasn't due to see Nancy again until Monday, but I decided that I would call her the next morning and ask if she could check me and strip my membranes if the baby's head was in good position so I wouldn't have to go through another sleepless night.

So! At this point little did I know that my contractions were doing great work. In my mind they weren't coming nearly strong enough yet, and not consistend enough to start worrying about timing. This is based on my first experience where I had similar - but even more difficult - contractions all night long only to go in and my cervix hadn't budged AT ALL! So here was me, thinking what a pain it was to be having all these stupid contractions that were stong enough to keep me from sleeping but not strong enough to be doing anything to my cervix. Ha!

Well, I was one happy momma to have the time spring forward an hour. I labored in the tub from 1-4 and then transitioned to the couch. From 4 - 6 I worked through contractions that would start out managable, but then the infamous shooting leg pain started. So back to the tub I went to let gravity take the pressure off whatever was causing that in my legs. By this time I started to feel pressure on my rectum, so I knew baby was way down. But like I said - my contractions were still so sporadic so I figured I had a long ways to go yet. Justin came down at 6:00 to be with me and from 6-8 I continued to labor in and out of the tub. At 8:00 I told Justin to call Nancy to give her an update. When he told her I was feeling pressure on my rectum she told him to have us come in right away. So we got Emmett up, Justin dropped him off at his parents, I got dressed, and we headed out the door into the beautiful spring day.

I was dreading going to be honest, because laboring in the car is the worst and she is a 30 minute drive from us. Also, I wasn't certain I'd be dilated enough so I was preparing myself for bad news. During the drive I was able to relax through most of the contraction, but toward the end I would feel that pressure on my rectum and have an urge to push, so fighting that off was tough work. "Besides," I would think, "I still have a long way to go before I push this baby out."

Well, Nancy checked me and reported that I was "almost complete" at 9cm. WHAT?! I just started crying! Oh my gosh! All I had to do now was PUSH?!?! Are you kidding me? I was completely shocked and relieved. Here I was praying to be more than 1.5 cm! Thank goodness we called and left when we did! My water hadn't broken yet, and she said it would probably break on its own with the next few contractions. When it didn't, she offered to break my water so I could start pushing - yes please! The difference in pushing this time around was that with Emmett my contractions came every 2 minutes or so but these ones were more like 4 minutes apart. After the first push Nancy said she could see his head and asked Justin to trade spots with Ingrid (Nancy's assistant) so he was ready to catch him. A few pushes later I could feel the ring of fire! One or two more pushes and I would be done! When his head was part way out, Justin said the cord was wrapped around his neck, and I felt Nancy's energy shift with a sense of urgency as she and Ingrid pushed my legs back and told me to finish on this push and get him out. Justin said he was quite purple and they worked on him after placing him on my belly to get him going and sure enough his strong little cry rang out.

The sweet relief that came when I was done was pure joy and gratitude: I was done! And I had my baby! I started bawling and took a look at him for the first time. Oh! I just couldn't believe I was DONE and had a baby when 20 minutes prior I was praying I would be at least dilated to 4cm. I kept saying to Justin, "I can't believe I just gave birth!" So at 9:09 AM on March 11, 2018 Logan Benjamin Rose was born weighing 8lbs 4oz measuring 22" long. He has the longest fingers and toes! As we held him and passed him around I couldn't believe how PRETTY he was. Emmett spent a little more time in the birth canal so he was pretty beat up but man this guy came out looking so perfect.

After he came out there was a huge gush of liquid that followed which surprised me and Justin - he said it was like the flood gates had opened and all this clear liquid came out. Extra amniotic fluid perhaps? We don't know but there was a lot of it. I didn't tear, and once the umbilical cord stopped pulsating Nancy had Justin cut the cord and I pushed the placenta out. That organ is the weirdest thing in the whole world. I remember the cord was a perfect spiral of silver and blue - so cool. Ingrid kept bringing us warm towels and at this point they turned me on the bed so I could sit up and hold our new baby. The next hour Justin and I just took turns holding him. Ingrid brought me some cheese and crackers and Justin had thought to pack a muffin for me. I was completely ravenous! Logan nursed well right away and things have been going well since. Almost too well! He likes to sooth on the breast way more than I like so I'm getting him used to the pacifier already. We just hung out while Nancy did all his paper work and at 11:00 we got ready to leave. We were home by noon!

Emmett spent the rest of the day with Grandma and Grandpa Rose. I was able to take a nap that afternoon and my friend Heather brought us dinner that night. Justin's parents brought Emmett back home at 7:00 and he got to meet his baby brother. He loves babies, so of course he came right over saying, "baby, baby" and he gave him hugs and kisses.

So there you have it! I am thrilled to not be pregnant anymore! This recovery is also going much better than my first birth - lots less bleeding and I didn't injure my tailbone with this delivery, so I feel amazing! The only thing is I'm lacking quite a bit of sleep between two sleepless nights prior to Logan's birth and then the first night home was quite sleepless as well. But I am still riding the birth high and I'm feeling great. We saw Nancy again this morning and got Logan all checked out. He and I are both healthy as can be.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

40 weeks and counting

Hello all! We made it to March! It's my birthday month - and this baby's birthday month too! Not sure how I feel about sharing it with someone else...ha! Tomorrow is baby's due date. Originally I thought this baby would come early because I was having a crazy amount of contractions back in mid-to-late- January. But in February things quieted down. I met with Nancy today and she checked me - not even dilated one single bit! And I'm having hardly any Braxton-Hicks contractions so...we are camping out over here. I am just going to plan on going 2 weeks late again that way if he comes before that, I will be wildly excited!

Mom gave me a baby shower gift of $cash$ - the best kind of gift in my opinion - so we used that last night to finally go see The Greatest Showman and went out to dinner. Thanks Mom!

We've got two new carseats we've installed in the last couple weeks. My sister sales directors all pitched in and bought one of them for us - bless them! One of my consultants in my unit got a breast pump for free that she never used and gave to me - so I got a nice $300 pump that will be better for traveling than the one I currently have. Blessings blessings! The things we do to bring our babies into the world!

Emmett is our little man! He is such a joy. He is completely obsessed with owls (hoo hoo!) and balls (ball ball!). He's learning tons of new words and is as daring as ever. He loves to play chase and hide-and-seek. I am ready for the weather to warm up some so we can spend more time outside. Today the weather greeted us with beautiful spring weather of clear skies and sunshine!
best seat in the store

play time in the mall on a rainy day

this is his favorite seat

we had a crazy snow storm just last week

we were done after just a few minutes'

39 week pic