Thursday, February 15, 2018

February Update

An update on Emmett! He is changing so much. Some fun things that are new for him:

  • he went from 30th percentile to 65th percentile for weight in about 2 months time - his 12 month pants have gone from slipping off his bum to way too small! 
  • he will say "I pooped," walk over to the diaper drawer, pull out the diapers and wipes, and come over to me with them like, "Ok, do your job." Hilarious! After changing a diaper, he will take it to the trash and throw it away for you! Who is this kid?
  • he is a great eater - loving that while it lasts! 
  • he is a great sleeper - hoping that continues when new baby is born!
  • he is obsessed with outside. When we open the back door to go outside he runs to his stroller, gets himself situated and looks up at us like, "I'm ready, let's go!"
  • he loves animals. On our walks he points out all the dogs (doggie!) and llamas (mama!). I know - random - there's a llama farm 1/2 a block from our house.
  • he LOVES books! I'll sit on the couch and tell him, "Go get a book let's read" and he will go to his bookshelf, pull a book, come sit in my lap and flip the pages pointing to everything. We will do this with all kinds of books up to a half-hour.
  • he can hear a wrapper from a mile away so don't even try to hide it.
  • he is obsessed with belly buttons - especially mine! He points at my belly and says "baby!" he likes to point out any and all babies - ones in books, real life, on TV, whatever. I wonder what he will think of his little brother!
  • he is FAST! he loves to play chase and hide and seek with Justin.
  • I walk with him when we run errands more than I scoop him up to carry him - getting him ready for when my hands have another baby in my arms - and he will reach up and hold my hand. It is THE cutest thing.
  • bedtime is always a joy - by that time of the day we are all ready for him to be in bed (this kid is HIGH energy!) so after Justin gets him dressed I rock him and sing primary songs and pray over him. Sometimes he even falls asleep in my arms and it is precious, sacred time. 
An update on Justin!

  • he has been working for Aaron for a month and a half now
  • they anticipate having inventory ready to start making sales in April
  • Aaron went to Cambodia last week and has his manufacturing connections all lined up
  • Justin's biggest responsibility right now is getting the website *perfect*: ready to receive orders, submit to Cambodia peeps, getting product shipped, etc.
  • he works sun up to sun down! Part of me misses when he would come home at 4:30/5:00 and be DONE for the day, but I mostly love having him work from home.
An update on me!

  • I am 38 weeks pregnant
  • I was having tons of contractions back in January, but there has been zero, nada, zilch happening as far as contractions go
  • I see my midwife every week - next week she will check to see if I'm dilated at all
  • I've gained 30 pounds so far
  • I'm at that stage where **gasp** in 3 weeks I could actually have a baby and not be pregnant anymore! Whaaat? You seriously forget that your body doesn't look/feel like this all the time. I am excited to be able to tie my shoes again
Happy Valentines Day! Justin and I went to lunch that day with is parents for a double date.

at one of my parties - I'm still rocking away at my Mary Kay

late morning snoozes

one of my consultant's had this cake made at her debut party ... insane!

ha - toddler life

don't bring around a cloud to rain on his parade!

Justin capturing those candid moments

38 weeks