these pictures show a 24-hour difference in his skin
Today is day 8 of eating soy, milk, peanut, and egg-free. The milk and peanuts are no big deal...but eggs and soy take a huge chunk out of my eating options. Don't believe me? Go ahead and take a look at any food label in your house: 9 times out of 10 it will have either egg, soy, or milk in it. I have to really think ahead about what I'm going to be eating and when throughout the day. From my Leonard Sax readings, I got a book called "In Defense of Food" - it was good timing, since this is basically my life for now. The book's premise is to eat food - REAL food - not too much, and mostly plants.
The first couple of days were HARD. I was very irritable. Justin sat on the couch next to me while eating some leftover caramels from Halloween - I grabbed the caramel he was about to open and threw it across the room: "You can't eat that in front of me!!" Ha! All the way through Sunday it was like this - just mad and annoyed and frustrated. But come Monday, things changed. I'm not craving those foods anymore and I am settling into my new normal. My friend Kari said when he family went to Costa Rica, they had a really hard time because they have ZERO processed foods down there. She said she felt similarly - irritable and missing her regular snacks - but after a while they of course adjusted, and now she is going back to those eating habits. Except that she can have eggs...
Wednesday I got together in the morning with some women from church for a play date with our kids. Thursday we went out to dinner with Jon and Judy in Gig Harbor. It was nice to spend the evening with them. I babysat Jon and Laura's baby Eleanor on Friday.
I gave a talk on Sunday about when Jesus tells Simon-Peter to throw his net in the water one more time and they catch a ton of fish - I like that story. I'm still teaching my Sunday school class (14 turning 15 year olds) and currently working on the ward Christmas party. I asked to be released from my basketball coaching calling and the stake decided to ask someone else to do youth conference for next year. 12:30 church is tough with a wee-one. I'll be excited in the new year to switch to 9:00.
That's really it! Not much, but a lot at the same time. Can't wait to come to Idaho for Thanksgiving!
Enjoy some Emmett giggles: