Monday, August 29, 2016

One Month

Yesterday my baby turned one month old. Oh my heart! He has outgrown a few newborn outfits, but for the most part he is still in newborn clothes. I broke out a few 0-3 month clothes this morning that I think he's ready for. Our baby is a cutie! At church yesterday, our friends The Christensens got home from their 10 months of traveling. Aaron mentioned how he hadn't seen Emmett yet and I said, "You should, he's beautiful!" to which he replied, "That's what I've heard!" ha! I love that. Emmett is our beautiful boy!

Love that gut
Smiles! He has recently outgrown these pajamas #crying

This boy likes to explode from both ends. Feeding him is crazy town. I might as well take all my clothes off before feeding him - I definitely take all his off! Circumstances allowing ;)

Last weekend the Roses got together for the annual Fantasy Football Draft. Thank the heavens, the family finally gave in to my pleadings to NOT join the league this year. After years of faking my team (Justin basically set it up every week and told me if I lost or not), I get to watch the family feuding from the sidelines. My favorite part of the league was my team's name - The Chudley Cannons - bonus points if you know where I got the name! Spoiler- it's Ron Weasley's favorite quidditch team. #potterhead

Emmett had his one month appointment with the doctor. He had his first vaccination with more to follow next month. He is 10 pounds 8 oz and 22 1/2 inches! So in a month he's gained more than two pounds so I'm really happy he's doing so well. This babe is a-growin!

I thought I'd feel twinges of jealousy, remorse, and other negative emotions when it was time for school to start. I was thinking I'd be missing going back. Teachers are back at work this week  and kids go back next week - and I am SO HAPPY that I am not having any of those feelings at all! Perhaps they'll come later, but I'm glad that with all the "back to school" news in my face, I have no desire to go back to school myself! Emmett is my world. I took this sweet picture this morning - love!
Meanwhile here are all the videos I've taken and not yet posted. 
baby sounds

making noises in his sleep :)
tummy time

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

4 weeks old!

You guys! Tomorrow marks 4 weeks for Emmett! Where has the time gone??? I am soaking up every second with this precious newborn. Oh my goodness...we love him so much!

Emmett is sleeping more like a 3 month old than a newborn - at least according to a chart I saw in one of my books. He has longer stretches of sleep (4-6 at night) and longer stretches of awake time during the day. He gives me along 3 hour nap in the afternoon when I do my work.

This baby spits up a ton! He eats super fast - hopefully some of that milk is sticking to him. We love to catch his sweet smiles. We've been doing some tummy time and he's starting to hold up his head. The four of us usually go for a walk of some sort in the evenings and he loves the stroller and his baby carrier.

Friday we went to a ward activity with Jon and Judy's ward. Here he is right before he spat up all over Uncle Joe!

He's making eye contact - I dunno if he can actually see my eyes but it seems like it.

He has a pretty belly button now :)

This barf-tastrophe happened and it's impossible to explain it, but it was hilarious.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Justin went back to work this week. It was great having him home for two weeks. The first week he took work off and got on his laptop here and there to fix things if they blew up. The second week he worked from home so he was busy all day but it was just nice having him around.

We had an appointment with Emmett's pediatrician. He gained 14 oz from his previous appointment so he is a thriving baby! Friday Mitzi stopped by for a few hours in the afternoon to hang out and meet the baby. It is always a good time hanging out and chatting with her :) We had game night with the Fillmores later that night. We love hanging out with them!

We introduced Emmett to the pacifier and he LOVES it. I had been the human pacifier for the two weeks prior to that to suck some extra fat away (ha), build my milk supply, and make sure breastfeeding was solid before giving him something new.

Saturday we did newborn pictures with a new photographer. We are so excited to see how they all turn out. She gave us this shot as a sneak peak:

So cute! Emmett is getting cuter every day. He is my sweet baby boy and I'm so in love!

Best baby carrier ever! 

Sometimes it looks to me like his hair has red in it...maybe it's just the orange pants though :)

Doesn't his hair look red here?

Jackson likes the baby too :)

I see red in that hair...


Justin went back to work this week. It was great having him home for two weeks. The first week he took work off and got on his laptop here and there to fix things if they blew up. The second week he worked from home so he was busy all day but it was just nice having him around.

We had an appointment with Emmett's pediatrician. He gained 14 oz from his previous appointment so he is a thriving baby! Friday Mitzi stopped by for a few hours in the afternoon to hang out and meet the baby. It is always a good time hanging out and chatting with her :) We had game night with the Fillmores later that night. We love hanging out with them!

We introduced Emmett to the pacifier and he LOVES it. I had been the human pacifier for the two weeks prior to that to suck some extra fat away (ha), build my milk supply, and make sure breastfeeding was solid before giving him something new.

Saturday we did newborn pictures with a new photographer. We are so excited to see how they all turn out. She gave us this shot as a sneak peak:

So cute! Emmett is getting cuter every day. He is my sweet baby boy and I'm so in love!

Best baby carrier ever! 

Sometimes it looks to me like his hair has red in it...maybe it's just the orange pants though :)

Doesn't his hair look red here?

Jackson likes the baby too :)

I see red in that hair...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

our newborn

The past (almost) two weeks have been pretty great with our new baby. The adjustments are going really well. Emmett is breastfeeding like a champion. I can't wait to see how much weight he's gained at his next appointment! Three days after he was born he dropped from 8 lbs 1 oz to 7 lbs 9 oz. But 6 days after he was born he was back up to his birth weight.

Emmett is very sweet! He hardly cries. He sleeps 2-3 hour increments day and night. He is getting cuter every day!

I am doing very well. I'm able to put Emmett in my baby carrier and we go for walks in the evenings with Justin and Jackson.

Emmett's first week was a busy one. Monday when he was 4 days old we had to get a contact fitting. That was completely unnecessary but whatever. Tuesday I had a dentist appointment, and Wednesday he had his one-week check up with Nancy. That Friday Justin's work had a picnic for all the employees in the area at the Puyallup Fair Grounds. We met up with Jon and his family for the free lunch. Sunday we braved church, but only for Sacrament meeting. I feel 90% recovered from birthing baby except my tailbone! Sitting in the pew for an hour and a half was a struggle.

Our baby loves to have his hands by his face. When he was born he started sucking his hands right away. He will not tolerate being swaddled unless he can have his hands up. He does not like to open his eyes. Even when he's awake he likes to keep his pretty blue eyes closed. We've caught his first smiles in the last week - so cute!

 July 28th

1 day old - still beat up from the birth canal ;)

2 days old
3 days old

4 days old
5 days old
6 days old - this was the most he had opened his eyes yet!
1 week!

8 days old

9 days old

my angel baby!!
10 days old

Emmett smiles
From Justin's Phone

funny faces with Dad!

Davita picnic