This week has been a long one for Justin and me. We did a lot of preparation for our housewarming party. We made invitations several weeks ago and mailed them the old fashioned way: who gets anything cute in the mail anymore? So I became mini-Shelley this week what with washing windows, sweeping and mopping my floors, vacuuming, dusting...the works! Justin worked a miracle on our yard. He bought a lawnmower off craigslist for $65 that's living is SO WEIRD! No gas tank to fill up the car/lawnmower anytime I want, so we had to buy an electric lawn mower. I didn't even know those existed. Anyway, our house looks tip-top and we love it more and more every day!
Other than housewarming things it's been the usual week of work for Justin and me, so nothing to report there.
Saturday while I was out holding MK parties Justin slaved in the kitchen getting all the food ready for our party. We made mini tacos and mini pies that I thought were so cute and fun! We had people show up from our ward and Justin had a co-worker come as well, but a lot of people were already busy doing other summer activities so we didn't quite have the turnout we thought we would. Either way, it was a lot of fun having people over again! Here are some pictures from the event.
Justin's parents gave us their piano last week. They all moved it from Silverdale last week while I was in Dallas...thank goodness I was gone for that project! |
We had housewarming games for our guests like guess how many candies in the jar... |
I made Mitzi's caramel popcorn for party favors for people who "popped" by ;) |
This is the dresser we got off craigslist. I love it sooo much! |
Our laptop broke so we made the plunge to upgrade to a PC. I love being able to print from home finally! |
I found the cutest lamps at Ross that perfectly match our room. Score! |
Yes we have lots of dead grass but what you can't see are the weeds that take up most of the yard ;) We have lots of work to do! |
I cut these WAAAAY back when we first moved and they are taking off like crazy! All the leaves you see are new growth from that hair cut. |
There were a bunch of other flowers in this bed that I didn't like so I ripped them all out and laid new bark. |
We got hanging flower pots that I love! Justin hung lights for the party. |
I don't know if I ever posted pictures of our laundry/mud room. I love the color |
Other than that I am revving up for a week at Ensign Ranch for girls camp next week. I was called back in January to be a certification coach for the stake so I'm in charge of 50 1st years. Let the crying and homesickness begin! So it's a week of camping for me and then a week of camping with the family at Redfish! I can't wait to see all the Beals.
In my Sunday school class today I taught about the importance of journal keeping. I pulled out all my journals and the family history binders Mom gave us to have as a visual. I read my class a few excerpts of the younger Kelsey...they got a kick out of that! I love reading my journal of my 8-year-old self. Nearly every entry begins with "Today Keaton and I...." or "Today Me and Keaton..." so cute! Didn't we have the BEST childhood EVER on the farm?? I got a kick out of reading Mom's life story....hilarious! I am just like her in so many ways except for the school stuff in which case I thought "She's just like Keaton!" Ha! Love you Mom!
As I finish up today, Justin is practicing Clair de Lune on the very attractive.