For family home evening last Monday Justin and I planned our 7 week break. We've filled it with things to do on the weekends to enjoy the beautiful much-too-short summer here. I'll be working full-time for the summer and Justin is hoping to pick something up, so those are our summer plans in just a few weeks!
Tuesday my rec team had a game but I didn't know, so Justin and I went to the movies instead with the Miskins (married couple we're friends with) and a few others. We watched World War Z. I thought it was so good. Keep in mind, I didn't LOVE it because I don't like zombies. They scare me to death. In fact, the entire movie I had Justin's arm in a death grip. BUT I thought the movie was done very well and I liked it...sort of? I don't know how to say that I liked something that I don't like. It is a strange feeling for sure.
I've been working like crazy. That is all I do all day along with write my final paper for my geowriting class. That has been the biggest drama of my life. Expectations are SO not clear, and the teacher schedules quizzes on the days he knows I'm going to be gone because of GEOL 380. So right now I have a D+ and that doesn't include two zeroes that need to be put in the grade book because I missed the quizzes because of my other class. Grrrrr. The good news is my forever21 ring came so my left ring finger isn't naked anymore...which Justin is happy about. =] I signed up to do a triathlon in August. I'll swim 800 meters, bike 14 miles, and run 3.1 miles. I'm excited! We had a RS activity for the first time in months. It's nice to have proactive people in callings like activities. We made headbands and ate delicious fruit and just visited which was fun. =]
Thursday I did my visiting teaching. One of the girls I visit teach works for Mary Kay. It has taken her just over a year to become a director where they actually make decent salary (anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 a month!) and she's working toward earning a mustang...what? I'm interested. You can work as much or as little as you want...I definitely need to do more research. and Justin and I got a Dominoes pizza. I've had six girls interested in renting my wedding dress since we put it on the bulletin board. Two are coming to try it on and two have already agreed to rent it! I've written a contract they have to sign and agree to before using it. The first girl takes it this week, so we'll see how it goes! As long as girls want to use it on different weeks, I could be renting this thing out all summer! Woot!
Friday my geology class went to Heise and Kelly Canyon to study rhyolitic eruptions. I woke up Friday morning with a sore throat and stuffy nose but decided to go anyway. We did a hike at Cress Creek for a few hours and then hiked in Kelly Canyon determining rock types and measuring dip and strike. I loved it. I love figuring out what the rock type is and how it most likely formed. My teacher is great too. He asked how we would go about finding if layers of rock were right side up or upside down and I said you could date them and if you had old rock on top of new rock you would know it was upside down and he said, "Yeah but Kelsey since you're already married you probably don't want to date these rocks." Ha. =] Here are some pictures from last week at Big Springs.

The rock has high permeability (rock's ability for liquid to move through it) and porosity (the rock's open space divided by it's total volume) until this layer of black rhyolite so the water has been seeping through all the rock above this spot, and here since this rhyolite is low permeability/porosity, the water can't move down anymore so it moves out...that's why the water looks like it's rushing out of the rock in this spot. Rocks can have high permeability but low porosity (if it has cracks) or it can have high porosity but low permeability (there are many holes but they aren't connected so water doesn't move through it).
57 degree water...brrr!
Pictures from Heise and Kelly
Turbidites (sedimentary rock with trace fossils) found near igneous rock formation. There was a fault here that exposed sedimentary rock so we saw igneous, then sedimentary, then perhaps there would have been more igneous rock but the Snake River plain was the next thing over so we think the Yellowstone hotspot obliterated any of the other rock as the North American plate has moved over it toward the south west.
I felt okay all day and even felt better around 4 o'clock, but when we pulled into Rexburg at 7 I felt so so sick. I went home and changed my clothes for my ultimate game thinking, "I just won't play today...I'll just coach from the sideline." Well when I got there I just couldn't not play, so I ate a few saltines and played. Our team won 10-8 in a very close game. Our team is seeded first for tournament, and this team is seeded second. At the end of time the score was 8-8. We agreed that the winning team needed to win by 2 or get to 13 first. My team scored the next point making it 9-8 to us and my team was tired. We were playing the whole game with no subs while the other team had three. I gathered my team and told them we needed to end our own misery by scoring the next point!!! Low and behold we scored the next point and solidified our 1st seed placement in the tournament. Justin's team is also seeded first. Woot! Now in two weeks we play the 4th seeded team and if we win we play in the championship. =] Hooray!
After our hard fought game I hobbled over to the ground and tore my shoe see a HUGE blister on my toe!! It hurt so bad. I couldn't even walk right which sounds so lame (c'mon it's just a blister) but it was a deep blister and it burned and stung like mad. We headed to Rigby to partake in Trisha's neighborhood 15 minute fire work show and to pick up Shae to spend the night with us. Justin and I waited at Trisha's door step for them to come home and a little dog came running up to us. He was shaking so bad and it reminded me of Duke and how scared he gets when we used to do fireworks. I tried to hold him and pet him but he couldn't be contained and ran away. Hopefully his owners find him! We picked up Shae and went to Burger King because I was ravenous. We let Shae get anything she wanted and then played Clue at our apartment. We stayed up until 1 AM playing Clue! Shae won =] She has a newer version of the game which gives each character a special ability and special cards which make the game more interesting.
The next morning the three of us did a few things to help Justin with setting up our tournament, and then Shae and I came back to the apartment and made crepes for breakfast and cupcakes for a baby shower later that day. Shae made the cupcake batter and helped me put them in the cupcake wrappers. Shae liked the strawberry and nutella and the ham and cheese crepes.
From there we got McDonald's for lunch and went to the tournament to watch Justin play while we waited for Rexburg Rapids to open. He reserved the fields by Rexburg Rapids long ago and invited several teams to come play. BYU, ISU, and IF brought teams up and we had enough players to split our club team into a few teams so it was a decent turn out. I'm proud of Justin...he organized the whole thing with little to no help from anyone else. Good work sweetie!
Shae and I played at the water park the rest of the day. We had the most fun playing tag in the lazy river. After one of us would tag the other, we had to wait five seconds before we tried to tag the other back. Shae was hard to catch! And she was crafty...she hid from me several times and I had a hard time running away from her. Fun times! The place was totally packed. We enjoyed the slides and Shae almost climbed to the top of the rock wall! We got Snoasis snow cones and Trisha picked her up. It was a fun day hanging out with her. I was grateful to be in the water all day, and Mom you'll be proud to hear I wore a hat the whole time. Minimizing wrinkles over here!
Justin's team went 4-0 in their tournament and we had a raffle at the end. He said it was a lot of fun. That night we went to a baby shower I "threw" for my friend. She wasn't going to have one but I told her she should and I'd throw her one if she wanted. Well turns out all I did was bring cupcakes because she did the rest. It was a good turn out and I'm glad she had friends come support her.
Everything is going very well. I'm excited to see Keaton in eight days! Only three weeks of school left! Then Justin will be graduated and I'll be in my last semester! I still can't believe that. I feel like we're going to be here forever. It will be interesting to see how life turns out in the next few years.