Time to update!
I've been rocking my anatomy class. I've had 110% and 120% on my past two quizzes, and my exams have all been in the high 90's or 100's. Awesome. Chemist is a different story. I really like the class, but that last exam was rough. But now I know what to expect, so I'm going to rock it from here on out. Geology I really like. The lab is TOUGH. We have our first exam next Tuesday and I spent three hours in the lab today going over mineral and rock identification. It was so great...I was in there by myself so I spread myself over the whole lab and I was talking out loud to myself pretending I was a scientist and it really helped the information stick!
Relief Society has been wonderful. I love the girls and I am either delusional or things are going very well with everyone! The big rush of callings at the beginning is over so now everyone knows what they should be doing and we can all get down to the business of actually getting to know each other (woot).
I'm coaching Ultimate again this year. I decided I'm going to apply for the coordinator position in the fall. We had our first game last Friday night and we won 10-4. We played well and I'm excited! I'm also on a rec team, but no games there yet.
I don't work much. I'm currently tutoring a guy who is doing the same thing I'm doing in geology, only he's doing it for plants...and instead of camping out in the grand canyon for four days (like what I'll be doing in two weeks) he gets to go to Seattle for a week with a hotel room and identify horticulture. But anyway--we've been doing some serious work getting him to memorize everything, and I'm a great tutor for it because that is all I do in geology and anatomy!
Surprisingly, ORGAN has been the class that stresses me out...who has 4 hours a week to practice? FREAK! I love my social dance class. My partner and I scored the high score of the class last Wednesday during our first exam.
My roommates and I threw a Cinco de Mayo party a few weeks ago which was fun...not much else to say about it.
Justin and I went on a date today that was pretty fun. He brought over random items like paper plates, tin foil, and straws and told me we were making boats, so I had to make a boat and then we were going to race our boats down a canal down the street. We sat back to back so we couldn't see what the other was doing as we made our boats, and then it was fun to compare at the end to see what we both came up with. His boat won, and I got soaked in the process of getting the dang things in the water! Good times.