Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Week!

I can't even remember what happened last week. I don't care to try to remember so I'm just going to write about my awesome weekend.

We had a three-day weekend last week and I was in heaven! I thought I was going to be crazy busy, but I told myself to chill out and take a break. Friday night I watched some Star Trek, Glory, and Gone With the Wind with my roommate Melanie. She and I went to a friend's house that night to play board games. When we went to leave, my car had been BOOTED!!! It was FIFTY BUCKS!!!! Gosh dang people get a life! It wasn't even close to curfew. Whatever.

Saturday I went to the temple. It's been closed for the past couple weeks, so that was nice to go. I read the February Ensign while I was in there and loved just about every article. There were some people from South Korea doing baptisms and I got to see the names written in their language and listen to their language through the glass. It was cool!

After the temple I drove to Rigby to hang out with Trisha. I told her I missed hanging out with her and since I had time I decided to chill with her for the day. We went to Hailey's basketball game and she did great! She was fun to watch. She totally stopped a girl from getting a layup with her awesome defense. Great work Hailey!

After her game we went to Travis's Grandpa's birthday party. He told me I was pretty, and then looked around and said, "The whole damn family's here!"--haha I love old people! We had pizza, cake, and I played a roaring game of "I Spy" with Hailey, Shae, and Cooper.

Monday morning I agreed to take a friend to the Idaho Falls airport. By Monday morning I mean 4:30 AM! My two roommates Thea and Melanie came with us. They are the ones who are good friends with this guy; I'm just the one with the car ;) We raced down to Idaho Falls but didn't know where the airport was! I called Dad (he must've had a freak out getting a phone call from his daughter at 5 AM) and he let me know where to go. After dropping him off we got McDonanld's breakfast and drove back to Rexburg. We slept when we got back until noon. I feel great about that.

The rest of the day I did "homework..." not really. I did D&C homework but still had a big assignment for my education class to do when Chase suggested we go night skiing. It had been snowing all day and I just couldn't say no! He, Thea (roommate) and I debated on going or not and I just told them we just had to go so we did and we were all SO GLAD. We had a blast. The snow was coming down hard and thick the whole time. The lift was chilly, but otherwise it was awesome. I felt like I was the only one there the whole time. We saw Brother Bair there; he's the 2nd counselor in my bishopric, so that was cool!

Thea and I

I finished my Education assignment when we got home at like 1:30 AM...I thought I did an awesome job. Turns out I got a 73%...BLARG!

I guess I should talk about Valentine's Day. My two FHE brothers asked me and my roommate out. They took us to Craigo's and we had tons of pizza plus this cookie monster thing. I don't even know what all the ingredients are inside, but all I know is it was delicious.

Daniel and I

Kelsey and Joseph

We played a Justin Bieber board game after that which we had tons of fun with. You would get points if you could sing 15 seconds of "Baby" or "Somebody to Love" or "You Smile" or any of his songs. Yes, I rocked it! We had so much fun and laughed so hard. This picture says it all.

We decorated their apartment door that day with valentines and blow pop suckers for fun since they asked us out for Valentine's Day. CUTE!

I took a nutrition test and got a 94% which I felt great about, but then she curved it and I got 100%. HUZZAH! I've got another science test I need to take tomorrow that I haven't studied for yet...oh dear. For my job we have to do this "marathon" thing where we apply all these study skills we've taught this semester in two weeks. We have to do so much of all of it to "pass" or whatever and it is taking up tons of my time. Hot dang!

Other than that my life is going just fine and dandy. I taught the lesson on Sunday. During sacrament I realized my 3rd Sunday school teacher was gone and she probably didn't find a sub. So during sacrament I prepared a lesson "just in case" and sure enough, she didn't ask someone to teach for her so I just did it. We had tons of people gone for the weekend so I was nervous about not having anyone for Relief Society. We had about 15 so it wasn't too shabby!

I'm enjoying my time as RS president. I play ultimate frisbee in Vegas in a week and a half so I am way stoked for that. I got Keaton some things for his birthday so I'll send that out soon so he can get that on time. I've been hanging out a lot with Chase lately which has been fun for me. Sunday night my roommate and I played games with him and all his friends which was awesome for me because he has really hot single friends. Yep, that's about it. I've been running at least 3 miles every day lately. I kind of want to run another half marathon this spring. I saw Gabe is signed up for one coming up, so that is exciting! Ok well I'm off to play a game of Settlers with my FHE bros. We might hit Kiwi Loco after; 25% off baby! Peace out!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

All my Blah Blah

Happy Sunday everyone!

I had a pretty awesome week. For FHE on Monday we played wallyball and that was a hecka good time. That is the funnest sport! I ran three miles that day too. I think I want to run another half marathon this year. I need to get with my sister and see what her plans are; maybe I'll run it with her. I took my first "Origins of the Universe, Life, and Earth" exam and totally rocked it! I love that class. Nuclear fusion...exciting stuff people.

Tuesday nothing really exciting happened. I sat by a lot of my FHE brothers during devotional which was fun. I love those guys! I did a lot of homework that day, so nothing special.

Wednesday was the same story except I ran three miles again and I played Ultimate! We had a huge group this week, so there wasn't as much playing, but it was so fun. =]

Thursday my FHE group played wallyball again, but I couldn't go because I had Ultimate practice for Las Vegas (it's coming up soon!). We didn't have anywhere indoor and because my coach is a Nazi, we played outside on the stadium! Because it's been such a weird winter (hardly any snow, very mild temperatures) it wasn't that bad. But it looked like this:

I drew that frisbee on a letter to Keaton.

Friday was a pretty chill day. After work I did a little homework, but then at 5 I took a nap! I swear I could've slept all night, but then my roommate Kelsey and I went to Idaho Falls. I got a coupon in the mail for a free pair of panties at Victoria's Secret, but we got to the mall too late so I couldn't use it. Next time for sure! When we got back to Rexburg we watched Mean Girls. That has a lot of trash but holy smokes it's funny.

Saturday I went snowboarding all day to Targhee with my FHE brother Aarick (nicknamed "Buzz") and his friend Jess. He works there one day a week and teaches little kids how to snowboard. Aarick is so good, and his friend Jess is his equal only she skis! I lost them on the first run, so for the next couple hours I chilled by myself going all over the place practicing my carving. It had snowed the day before into the night, and Saturday it was clear and sunny all day with new snow. That was my first time snowboarding with new snow and I loved it!

At lunch I ended up finding Aarick and Jess and tried going with them a few times, but they were just too hard core for me, so after about an hour and a half of that I went by myself again. I met a lot of people by going up the lift with random groups all the time. I ran into a guy I totally had a crush on during the summer and boarded with him and his friends for a few runs.

I also met a guy from back East who was in the area for a work thing and he found out I was Mormon and we chatted about that for a minute--including Mitt Romney's chances in taking the nomination. I was glad I keep up with Bill O'Reilly after that conversation because I was able to talk about people like Marco Rubio and know what I was talking about.

When I got back to Rexburg all my roommates had plans (dates for three of them, and watching Rugby all night for the other), so I decided to make plans with my FHE brother Joseph. We made breakfast for dinner and watched How to Train Your Dragon because he's never seen it. I fell asleep during some of it. I was wiped out! But dinner was so good. I had a bacon, scrambled egg, and cream cheese crepe and it was to die for.

My Sunday was busy busy. I went to bed at 10:30 the night before, so I was well rested (for once). I have ward council every Sunday at 9:45 and then church from 11-2 and then I have a meeting with the Bishop after church until about 3. Then I have meetings with my councilors every Sunday at 4 where we do stuff. Today we searched out all the locals and "ministered" to them individually. It was tough stuff hunting them all down! All the locals in our stake were jammed into our ward, and all of them were jammed into my relief society. I have about 45 girls, so it is crazy town! It's hard work, but it is so fulfilling. I love it.

Well folks that was my week. Next weekend is a three day weekend...I need to make killer plans! Later

This was a sticky note I found on the mirror in a random bathroom on campus. Only at BYU-Idaho!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

People are Dumb

It's been another great day at BYU-Idaho =]

Last weekend I went ice skating with all my friends. Well, not ALL of them. My best friend had a hot date. But I still wanted to have some fun so I got everyone together and we hit the ice! I fell and hit my wrist which was annoying, but other than that we had a lot of fun! I watched "Clash of the Titans" until curfew after that.

Sundays we like to have our friends over to play games. We had over 10 people at our house last week playing "The Game of Things" and "Pictionary." I love Pictionary! I am often on the winning team. =] I wasn't this time but, oh well.

Not much went down during the week. I had two classes get cancelled!! That was sweet. I didn't do my homework for one of them that I probably should have...I'm such a rebel! I had a nutrition test that I'm pretty sure I got 100%. I studied like a champ and then breezed through the test!

I played indoor Frisbee and my cousin Conrad was there. I got a SWEET knockdown right when he was going to catch it--ha! I've been invited to play with the Eastern Idaho Frisbee team in a tournament in Las Vegas March 3rd and 4th. We were going to have our first practice today but it got cancelled. I am so stoked. I turned them down when they first asked me, (what if I have homework!) but finally decided to live a little and agreed to play. =] I'm so excited!

We also played a roaring game of wallyball this week. Chase and Conrad were there and our FHE brothers. We love them! We hang out with them constantly.

I got my hair cut this week. She took a couple inches off, gave me layers and tapered it. My hair looks great!! I love it. I also got new fitness shoes. They are hot pink and black! Mmm!

Thursday I went to a forum with President Clark. One of the topics was about managing time. One guy LITERALLY stood up and said, "I know I spend too much time volunteering so I can't get my homework done, but..." and then he went on to say a bunch of blah blah that nobody cared about because really....really? You volunteer too much? Even if that's, actually. That's not true.

Who says that?

Or like when people post their grades on facebook because they have 100% in all their classes and they feel so awesome they need to put that on the web. Really? News flash: it's the beginning of the semester...EVERYONE has 100% in their classes. Get a life.

Who does that?

Moving on: Friday night after my test I got my friends together for another adventure. We decided to go ballroom dancing in the Hinckley for a while. I love dancing! I should go to those more often. After that I was mindful of Chase's roommate Louie who tore his ACL AND his PCL. He is stuck at home all the time and I thought to myself, "I bet he hasn't done anything fun all semester," (not that he's lame...just that he's crippled and can't go anywhere) so I called him and my friends and I took the party to his apartment! We ate pizza and creamies and finished the basketball game, then played a game of Pictionary where my art major roommate DESTROYED us. It was a good time. =]

Today I went snowboarding with Davies and his roommate Kyle. The snow was nice today. It was icy at first but it got soft quickly and I hit a couple jumps!! They have this fun play zone place at Kelly Canyon where you can snowboard on pipes and boxes and hit some jumps. I wrecked a few times but there were those glorious moments when I landed and it was a lot of fun. =] Davies thought it would be a good idea to go through this powder that had trees growing all over the place. It was a bad idea!! We were stuck for like 15 minutes! But overall it was a great day of snowboarding. =] Not to mention, Kyle works there so I got a day pass for free. =]

Something interesting: Last weekend we had a bunch of losers prank our apartment. We heard a knock on the door and when we opened it, someone had tied a dead cat to our door with some orange twine. We had two guys over when it happened and guess who got to dispose of the carcass? This girl. The boys wouldn't do it (Pansies)!! So I put on my big girl farmer's daughter pants and chucked it in the dumpster (after taking a picture for my manager). That thing was HEAVY!

School and work is going great. After 1st block I get to set my schedule and I can work as little as one hour a week or as much as 20 hours a week, so I am pretty much golden! I think I'll work five hours a week...maybe seven. =] I know I'm a total loser, but I need to put as MUCH energy as possible into my grades. I've gotta keep my scholarship as long as possible people!

Well folks that's my news for the week. Enjoy the pics =]