I had my last week of competitive Ultimate Frisbee this week! I'm excited to write about it, but I have a few things to write about first.
Earlier in the week we had a Relief Society activity that was a lot of fun. We did a scavenger hunt all around campus that had to do with gifts and talents. For example, in the Snow building there was a quote about the gift of music. By the library there was a quote about the gift of academics. On a basketball court there was one about the gift of athletics. It was a very uplifting activity that made me feel good about myself, and it helped me think about the talents and gifts Heavenly Father has blessed me with.

I registered for Winter Semester 2012 classes. I'm so excited to get back to school. Don't get me wrong; I've really enjoyed my off track. I have an awesome job, I've been able to play Frisbee, and I get to enjoy the fun YSA life in my singles ward and other events on campus. There's just been TONS of stupid boy drama that wouldn't be such a big deal if I had my school work to focus on. So I can't wait to have homework: the kind of stress in my life that is worthwhile...not all this romantic stress that makes me want to shoot up with a tranquilizer.
Thursday night after practice I hosted dinner for my team at my apartment. I invited Chase and Conrad, and one of my teammates brought her boyfriend. We had quite a crowd! I made crock pot lasagna and my teammates brought salad, bread, and drinks. I thought it would be a good team bonding activity before our playoff game. Most of the girls on my team were able to make it, so that was great.
Friday was our playoff game against the Spartans! We beat them earlier in the semester (9-7) and then tied with them the week before this (3-3). I was anxious about this game. But my fortune cookie that day said, "You are a leader. Soon others will need your inspiration." How awesome is that?!
*Reasons for my anxiety: I am a handler. There is one other girl on my team who also handles. Most teams have three decent handlers, and guy teams will have three or four, but I only have myself and one other girl. Now for the punch line: the other handler for my team told me the night before that she couldn't play. This made me anxious, because I really rely on my other handler to watch my back in games. If I'm having a bad day offensively, she can take the lead and give me time to get my confidence back, and I do the same for her. Because she couldn't be there, I would be the only handler, and their defense would definitely recognize that and plan accordingly. I couldn't afford to have a "bad day" offensively.
My goal from the beginning of the semester has been to play in the championship game, so competing in the championship play-in game had a lot of emotion behind it. Both teams played with heightened amounts of intensity.
Snow and wind at the upper fields of destiny! |
We pulled (kicked off) with the wind and got the first easy point. But I told my team from the beginning that the team that scored into the wind was the team that was going to win, so we needed to push a point
now. We scored the next point into the wind, and then scored another easy point with the wind. With a 3-0 lead the other team's morale started declining, and we pushed another point into the wind making it 4-0.
My team's defense is really what sets us apart from other teams. Offensively strong teams have a hard time scoring against us. With that said, our defense slacked off and they scored three points on us in no time. At half time the score was 5-3. I gave my team a little pep talk during the half. I have this strategy where we break the game into ten minute parts. That way nobody gets caught up in the anxiety of how the game is going to play out or how much longer they're stuck in the cold and wind. I told them, "We are winning the next ten minutes! We need to get points into the wind and win these next ten minutes." Chase watched my game and called me Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because I'm all fired up and passionate about this sport.
The second half we were able to pull away with a win. My handling was one of the best I've done all season. I had six of the eight assists. The weather was cold, but the wind wasn't terrible. I was able to use the wind to make the disc curve in different ways to avoid defense (outside-in throws), and really, it was just a wonderful day of handling. The final score was 8-6, making us qualified championship contenders! I was so happy! Oh I just love this sport. I'm grateful for the athletic abilities the Lord has seen fit to bless me with, because it brings me one of the greatest joys in my life.
I love this |
That night my best friend Kelsey and her sister Kristi drove from Utah to come see me for the weekend. We ate sushi and watched a chick flick after my game. Oh my I felt like a million bucks.
Saturday morning was the championship. I hardly slept the night before. My heart was pounding all night and I couldn't stop thinking. I got up at 8 and got myself ready. I watched some of the guys championship game on my laptop (they broadcast it live on the internet) and then at 10 I headed down to the stadium. We watched the Titans beat the Hurricanes 15-14-- a very close game! Then it was the Hawk's and the Viking's turn to play.
Before we started I gathered my team together and told them that I felt like we had already won the championship of the world by making it to the championship. Some of you might be thinking "oh big deal--her team made top two of four teams." But my team only has four girls who have any Frisbee experience. I mean ANY! And I've only been playing a few months. For the other six girls on my team, this semester was their first time playing, and we made it to the championship. The other teams had majority veterans. The Spartans had one or two girls who had never played before. All others have semesters of experience under their belts. The Vikings only had one girl who had never played before. So yeah...it's a big deal!
We scored the first point, followed by a Viking point, with a pattern of "ok, you're turn to score now" up until half time. At half the score was 4-4. The wind was blowing hard from the south preventing both teams from scoring in the south end zone. Whoever managed to score there was going to win. The second half the Vikings were able to score two points in the wind, and then they scored with the wind so we were pretty down. With four minutes left the score was 5-9.
I lined my team up after a particularly heated point for the Vikings, looked them in the eyes and said, "You girls have four minutes of Ultimate left for the semester. Give it all you've got and you won't regret a thing." We managed to score two more points (one of them into the wind) making the score 7-9. Time ran out, but we had to play through the final point which they scored making the final score 10-7. We lost, but I huddled my team together and told them all how proud I was and that really it wasn't a defeat for us. We managed to score seven points against a stacked, veteran team. My little team of rookies really gave them a run for their money, and I was happy with how we played. I had five of the seven assists and four knockdowns.
our #1 fan! |
Chase's roommate Kris interviewed me after the game with his video camera. He asked me to talk about my season and stuff, so that was interesting. I bet it was for a class or something, but I'm not looking forward to having my face show up anywhere as I talk about Frisbee. Another guy from The Scroll asked me a few questions about how I felt about the game, so we'll see if I end up in the paper this Tuesday.
My roommates/friends and I went to Idaho Falls that afternoon. I bought a cheap scarf and a new wallet. I also went to a Verizon Wireless booth to see what they could do about my phone. The back cover of my phone got lost during Halloween, and Friday night it finally decided to clock out. I am phoneless, so don't text/call me on my cell phone...it doesn't work!
new scarf! |
I had a date with this guy Bill that night. He is tall, cute, athletic, and tons of fun! We went treasure hunting...he made a map with directions, but the whole time he played up this story of how he got the map from pirates, and we had to be careful because pirates might try to sabotage us on our way to the treasure. Sure enough, two of his roommates were stalking us on our way! They drove by and shot us with air soft guns, and when we were at Porter Park they jumped out of bushes and shot us again! I covered my face and ran hoping they wouldn't hit me in the eye! But we made it to this bridge where we had to look for the treasure. It was under the bridge in a black garbage sack...for those of you who've seen
The Uninvited you can understand how this eerie black plastic bag sitting on ice under a bridge in the dark was a little ominous. We retrieved it and when we opened it up, there was candy, pop, and a gift card to Taco Bell inside. Genius!
It was such a fun date! It was creative, original, and he played it up so well! Even though he totally did the whole thing, he kept saying, "Man those pirates are good!" and stuff like that. We played a game of ping pong and decided to set stakes for the winner. If he won, I had to let him give me a kiss on the cheek. If I won, he had to take me with him the next time he spent the rest of his Taco Bell gift card money. In a nutshell, he whooped my trash! The final score was 21-6. I complained that he didn't even try to fake like he was bad at ping pong to let me sort of win and then come back and beat me. He replied that the stakes were too high for any nonsense. Hahaha...so he gave me a kiss on the cheek and took me home. It was a lot of fun.
I went bowling with Kelsey and her friends Jake, Chance, and Cora. We went to Kiwi Loco and Kelsey and I got 25% off our yogurt for singing karaoke! We sang "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry. Win!
Sunday was a chill day. We ate enchiladas for lunch and then Kelsey and her sister left. I made cookies in the afternoon, and that night I curled two of my roommates' hair and watched Grey's Anatomy. I really enjoy my roommates. Lauren and Thea are great friends, and I was so happy I got to hang out with Kelsey for a few days.
They're all trying to convince me to dye my hair darker. Your comments on this idea are welcome. Here are my thoughts: I like this idea because my hair color is in between brown and blonde. It's pretty, but I like the idea of having a
rich color. We'd dye it brown and then when it faded it would just be a little darker than it is now.
Reasons I like this idea...well there's really only one: It would make my eyes stand out BIG TIME. Dark hair and blue eyes is just hot. And I have the complexion to pull off darker hair. I won't look like a vampire because I have tan skin. I think I could pull it off. But there is always the drama with having to keep dyeing it, so I'm still looking into it. It may happen, it may not. If it does...you will know!
That was my week. Sorry I wrote so much about Frisbee. I understand that probably 100% of you don't care about all the details of how it all played out, but it was my last post about it for the season and it was a big deal to me...and this is my blog so if you don't like it-leave! Haha. =] Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!