Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Busy Toddler Week

I finished Susie Allison's book "Actual Parenting" last week and decided to get some supplies to do more indoor activities for the kids to get us through this winter. It was good timing because we had a winter storm that kept us snowed in for three days, so having some activities for the kids kept me from going insane! I have lots of pictures/videos from their rice bins, sticker activities, etc.

Wednesday morning we woke up to snow falling which continued all the way through Friday and even part of Saturday. We are so grateful because the farmers desperately need moisture! It's been a dry winter (especially compared to last year). We had the most success with our snow play on Friday when the temperatures melted things to just the right consistency. Justin and Emmett built an igloo for at least two hours! 

Justin played around with the GameStop stocks this week. All the funny memes on social media made me laugh - my husband is one of those Reddit nerds trying to take down the man! 

I am so excited to welcome February tomorrow. I hope to go snowshoeing with my girlfriends and take Emmett skiing at least once, maybe twice more. 

We were so excited to attend in-person church today. We've been strictly at-home since Corona hit Butte County, so it's been a minute. It was lovely.

That's pretty much our news. Here was my January reading list:

1.) The Hiding Place

2.) Vaccines: A Reappraisal

3.) Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth

4.) The Path Between Us

5.) Actual Parenting

I stood over the heater vent after church and my dress turned into a balloon😂

kids are so loud!

One of my current reads: growing a baby is no joke!

Justin and Emmett's epic igloo

building an igloo is hard work😆

I wanted to make my lemon cheesecake but also didn't want to eat the whole thing myself. Solution: take to friends who had birthdays recently. Yum!


Our snowman attempt on Thursday wasn't as successful - this is as big as we were able to get our snowballs. But the melting on Friday made for perfect snowman/igloo snow.

Logan is never as excited for snow play😂

Because sometimes eating on the normal part of the couch just won't do😂

lookin' so comfortable😂

Monday was really cold, but I decided to take the kids to the park to play before the snow storm. I walked laps around the playground while the kids played. It was 17 degrees but we managed to stay for almost an hour. Logan kept trying to take his coat/gloves/hat off.

Emmett built a nest